TRUE ACCOUNTABILITY: If should any Public Official ('Public Servant'), whether elected (even the President), appointed, or hired into any governmental position have been seen to have violated U.S. Constitutional Law, whether by self or to have conspired outside government through proxy, they should be charged with violating the Supreme Law which is an illegal act. In addition to this, they have also violated their 'Oath of Office' which is also Law and an illegal act. They have broken two critical laws necessary to possess the privilege and authority granted to them by the people in the 'Public Trust', and that person (or persons) needs to be IMMEDIATELY SUSPENDED from that office/position with a temporary replacement pending an investigation. If during the course of the investigation that person should be cleared, they should be immediately restored to that office/position. If they should be referred to prosecution, they should then be accorded due process as required by law. If they should be found innocent and cleared of charges in the course of a trial, they should be restored to that office/position. If they are found guilty for having violated Constitutional Law and the law specifying their oath of Office, then that person should be permanently removed from that office/position and face the appropriate penalties to include fines and incarceration for a specified period of time.



Chaine de ré information sur le COVID-19. L’objectif est de permettre à un large public de prendre connaissance de points de vue alternatifs sur la crise du COVID, les traitements, les vaccins, et le pass sanitaire. Cette chaine ne prétend ni à l’objectivité ni à la complétude, elle se veut une invitation à la réflexion. Elle n’est affiliée à aucun autre site ou organisme traitant du COVID-19, et son auteur se déclare libre de tout lien d’intérêt.

The Tennessee Informer


The TN Informer is weekly presentation focused primarily on actions of the state government and the impact it has on the rights and prosperity of the citizens of Tennessee. This includes the actions our state must take to reduce the negative impact federal actions have on the rights of our citizens and the sovereignty of our state. Host Dave Vance from Stewart County, TN. has followed state politics for many, many years and is an unapologetic constitutional conservative.