Beyond the Mountain


If you’ve asked what Beyond the Mountain is all about you’ve asked the right question. In Hebraic thought, asking the right questions leads to the right answers. Beyond the Mountain is about making progress in our life as a believer in Messiah Yeshua. It’s a journey, but have we been camped at Mount Sinai for too long? If you’ve stayed there, you haven’t made progress. Life is a journey. At Beyond the Mountain, we invite you to take the journey with us. It can be daunting for there are many enemies to face and obstacles all around. But, its a journey we must take for a land to inherit awaits us! Come with us and join us on the journey. We may just be a Gideon’s army, but that’s all it took to defeat the enemy!

The Cancel Curtain Verified


The Cancel Curtain "The Cancel Curtain" is a show about theatre and how politics plays a major role in today's performing arts world. How does theatre affect culture and how does culture affect politics? Or is it the other way around? Editors' Notes: As an actor with different views than most of my colleagues, I wanted to share a different perspective.**Dad joke warning!** I wanted to share a "stage right" POV on how politics and culture have shaped the art world, specifically the performing arts. Get it?? "stage right" as in the right side of politics versus the left? As you can tell already, there will be terrible puns and dad jokes mixed in. I wanted to give artists, teachers and parents a podcast to listen to that provides resources, enlightenment and entertainment. The theatre world is saturated with one sided arguments to the world's problems. While I'm always willing to listen to people who disagree with me, I haven't received the same platform. So why not create a podcast???And because I can't help myself, all the jokes and opinions in here are again, just jokes and opinions. If life really is just a bowl of cherries, then don't take it serious! Sit back, relax and "Let Me Entertain You!"