Track Down Recipes! Welcome to my channel! Here you will track down recipes: Baking, Tidbits, Canapés, Mixed greens, Porridge and substantially more.


Hi my Companion! Welcome to my channel! Here you will track down recipes: Baking, Tidbits, Canapés, Mixed greens, Porridge and substantially more. I will offer numerous recipes for Breakfast and Supper, recipes for Bites, Hors d'oeuvres and focal point. What's more, Different dishes for schoolchildren and understudies. Treats, soups and primary courses. Any Plates of mixed greens and hot dishes. Appreciate watching!!! Remember to buy in and give your Illustrious Like!

🎧Indian Lofi Chill Mix🎧 Lofi and chill music scene Music to study, drive, relax and chill.


🎧Indian Lofi Chill Mix🎧 Lofi and chill music scene Music to study, drive, relax and chill. DISCLAIMER: This Following Audio/Video is Strictly meant for Promotional purposes. We Do not Wish to make any Commercial Use of this & Intended to Showcase the Creativity Of the Artist Involved.* The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by the Companies/Original-Artist(s)/Record-label(s).All the contents are intended to Showcase the creativity of the artist involved and are strictly done for promotional purposes. *DISCLAIMER: As per the 3rd Section of Fair use guidelines Borrowing small bits of material from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use.

AURA TARA - Traumzeit mit Nadja


Herzlich Willkommen bei AURA TARA, mein Name ist Nadja, ich bin ein Kristallkind, eine Sternensaat. Ich biete mediale Beratung und Energiearbeit im Sinne der Selbstliebe und Lichtkörperheilung an. Ich bin hochsensibel, feinfühlig, hellsichtig, bin verbunden mit den Engelreichen, den Natur-Wesen, mit Vater Universum, und Mutter Erde. Ich möchte dich gerne ein Stück begleiten, dich für das Wesen der feinstofflichen Welten sensibilisieren, und dir dabei helfen, deine weiblich-intuitiven Kräfte zu erwecken um dich wieder mit deiner wahren Natur zu verbinden. Für eine geerdete Spiritualität, um deinen wahren Platz in der Welt einzunehmen. Hast du Lust, mit den Walen zu schwimmen, dich mit den Engeln und Lichtwesen zu verbinden? Du suchst Kontakt zu deiner Seele, deinem Hohen Selbst? Du möchtest deine spirituelle Berufung finden, deine Seelenfamilie finden? Kontaktiere mich gerne via E-Mail unter Viele lichtvolle Grüße sendet dir Nadja



Welcome to "Mowasalat" channel Mowasalat is an Arabic channel that offers a variety of videos in different fields, such as: Art and entertainment: We offer a variety of videos about cinema, television, music, sports, games, and more. Science and technology: We discuss the latest scientific and technological developments, and offer you educational lessons and scientific experiments. News and politics: We bring you the latest local and international news, and discuss political and social issues. Lifestyle: We offer you tips and ideas on how to improve your daily life, such as cooking, health, beauty, travel, and more.