The Fox News station (FNC), also referred to as Fox News, is an Empire City-based, American transnational conservative information and commentary television station. Fox News Media, which is in turn controlled by the Fox Corporation, is the owner of it.


FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour news service that focuses on breaking news as well as political and business topics. FNC, a top cable network in both total viewers and Adults 25-54, has been the most-watched news channel in the country for nearly two decades and is the most trusted television news source in the country, according to Public Policy Polling. FNC is available in over 89 million homes and dominates the cable news scene, with 12 of the top 15 shows in the genre on a regular basis.

Frequency Affirmations


Learn Positive Affirmations using our animated guided frequency meditation music videos with ASMR sounds. Kundalearni will also teach you how to carry out Kundalini Meditation, starting with opening and balancing your Root Chakra, all the way up to your Crown. 🎹 Our Sound Frequency Music is composed by our talented Musician 'AJ' and our affirmation Voice Overs are performed by our Voice Over, Oliver, both Real Humans! and all especially for Kundalearni.🎤 The Frequency music is composed specifically for our channel using the correct Kundalini frequencies. We'll also demonstrate the specific Chants and Mudras for you in a simple-to-follow way for each Chakra. ----------------------------------- *Disclaimer - Please consult your Physician/Doctor before undertaking any Kundalini practices. Kundalearni cannot accept responsibility for any adverse effects of practicing the meditations and techniques demonstrated on this channel. They are undertaken entirely at the viewer's own risk.

Unlock the Cinematic Universe: Explore Trailers, Clips, and Recaps at MovieReelVault


Welcome to MovieReelVault, your cinematic treasure trove for an immersive journey through the world of movies! 🎬🍿 Dive into a collection that spans across genres, eras, and emotions, offering you a diverse selection of trailers, clips, and recaps. From the latest blockbusters to timeless classics, our channel is your go-to destination for all things cinematic. Whether you're a film buff seeking sneak peeks, a fan of memorable moments, or someone who loves to relive the magic of past films, you're in for an unforgettable experience. Subscribe now and embark on a reel adventure that celebrates the magic of storytelling on the silver screen!"

Human Organisations, Cooperative Economics and Democratic Societies, Vision and Mission that drives genuine society development and transformation. Just societies and Holistic living.


The Search for Societies that exist to serve and build their human citizens and are founded on the core values of Justice, Mercy, Faith, in culture, values, economics, social structures, human rights and values, care for the least and humility of the powerful. Examples of societies that have created true societies that serve mankind.

Harmony Affirmations


Harmony Affirmations is a sanctuary for those seeking a transformative path towards enhanced wellbeing, abundance, and inner peace. Our channel offers a diverse collection of meticulously crafted affirmations designed to uplift your spirit, fortify your health, and manifest prosperity in all facets of life. Rooted in the power of positive thinking and the principles of holistic wellness, we provide a soothing backdrop for your journey of personal growth. Whether you're drawn to enhancing your health, enriching your emotional resilience, or cultivating a mindset of abundance, Harmony Affirmations is your companion. Here, every word is a step towards a more joyful and fulfilled existence, encouraging you to embrace positivity in all that you do. Begin your journey with Harmony Affirmations to unlock the richness of well-being and abundance in your life! ___________________________________________ Sunset photo by Thomas Bennie/Unsplash Leaves Image by smashingstocks/Flaticon

Dejair informatica


Português Brasil A informática é uma das áreas de conhecimento mais importantes da atualidade. Ela está presente nos celulares de última geração e automóveis, vemos vídeos e anúncios de produtos na Internet, utilizamos sistemas de localização e aparelhos domésticos inteligentes. Ganhamos comodidade, segurança e eficiência. Inglês Computer science is one of the most important areas of knowledge today. It is present in the latest generation cell phones and cars, we watch videos and product advertisements on the Internet, we use location systems and smart home appliances. We gain convenience, security and efficiency.

Klimatická krize


⚡️ Kanál pro ty, kteří chtějí znát PRAVDU O KLIMATU. Lidé se stále častěji potýkají s přírodními anomáliemi. Světová média o rozsahu blížící se katastrofy mlčí. Na tomto kanálu se budeme zabývat největšími kataklyzmaty způsobené astronomickými procesy a jejich 12 000letým cyklem. ✅ Spolehlivé informace o klimatu ✅ Očití svědci přírodních katastrof ✅ Synchronizace kataklyzmat ✅ Průběh klimatických událostí ✅ Statistiky a analýzy ✅ Skutečné příčiny změny klimatu ✅ Cesty z klimatické krize Pokud jste byli svědky klimatických anomálií, pošlete prosím svá videa na Česká verze kanálu @ClimateCrisisWorld Telegram kanál Klimatická Krize 🌐