For enlightening the world. JOHN, MESHA, TIM, YOU


This channel is dedicated to helping everyone get closer to the practical truth and true that to become immaculate hearts. Sadly, people today do not yet understand the connection between what they do or feel and destructive forces or life energy force, and have very limited knowledge that they are a counter force or another way of saying people are a life force that immaculate hearts produce. That is the same energy of the sun shining on everyone and if this energy is not produced at necessary levels, destructive forces get the upper hand. There are consequences to actions taken by the universal karma law, and we are creating the last days described in the Bible ourselves due to the luck of knowledge and dark force manipulations that are prevailing due to the luck of knowledge. Our Creator, the Most High God and God of all the worlds gave us example "the Sodom and Gomorrah" when Abraham could not find 10 people with the immaculate hearts and the consequences. Learn more here Unite for Truth, Empower Each Other. To become the Immaculate Heart. Link is here WELCOME!



The purpose of Divining Line Highlights is not to deviate any potential subscribers from Aominorg or to devalue media owned by Alpha and Omega Ministries® that may be published here, rather to address a major deterrent from those who are unacquainted with the channel; the longevity of content in the Divining Line episodes, so we've decided to publish parts of the Divining line by topic as to increase the incentives of said unacquainted parties involved. All production and credit belongs to Alpha and Omega Ministries®. If you wish for more content, then I advise to peak around:



"Jesteś tu dla wszystkich, nie jesteś tu dla siebie. Kiedy poznajesz te dane, ten Przekaz, powinna zrodzić się w Tobie intencja: 'Biorę odpowiedzialność za to, aby otrzymany pakiet informacji stał się Wiedzą, stał się mną'. Jesteśmy tuż przed katastrofą, która dotknie wszystkich. WEŹ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚĆ ZA CAŁOŚĆ!" Indi Iannai Inna ----------------- ❤ BIAŁA ŚCIEŻKA INDI ❤ TERAPIA HOLISTYCZNA (1) - Korekta Świadomości: ❤ TERAPIA HOLISTYCZNA (2) - Korekta Ciała i Bioenergetyki: ❤ BADANIA-UJAWNIENIA: ❤ WHITE PATH ENGLISH: