Ascensão Planetária


Nosso canal traz conteúdos de espiritualidade, com auxílio de irmãos galácticos e mestres ascensos, auxiliando na elevação pessoal. O Projeto Ascensão Planetária tem uma equipe grande de pessoas que se dedicam em pró do despertar da consciência de nossos irmãos em Gaia! # Grupos de Meditação Coletiva – Ancoradores de energias positivas no planeta! (4 meditações por dia). # Grupo de Cura Planetária - Equipe de curadores energéticos, que diariamente enviam energias de cura para todo planeta. # Portal de Conteúdos – Nesse portal teremos: Textos de Canalizações; Receitas Veganas; Dicas de Saúde e bem-estar espiritual; Informações sobre o evento; E, conhecimentos para auxiliar no processo evolutivo! # Vivências - Dentro do Projeto temos várias práticas e vivências, que proporcionam aos participantes cura interior e expansão da consciência. Acesse nossos links!

Joe and Sil McFarlane


Are you wondering what life in South Florida is like? What is it like to live in South Florida in Broward County & Palm Beach County and the surrounding areas? Well, this is the channel you need! Welcome to my channel! I am Joseph McFarlane, a realtor in the South Florida market! My channel is all about living in South Florida and South Florida Real Estate with a focus on Broward County and Palm Beach County! I work a lot with people relocating HERE! Contact ME @: Joseph McFarlane, Your Real Estate REALTOR! 📲 561-349-6138 👉🏻 Looking for a home loan? Look no further than Matt Weaver and his team of outstanding professionals! Matt Weaver, Vice President of CrossCountry Mortgage 📲 Mobile: 561-212-6503 📲 Direct: 561-864-2458 👉🏻Website: 👉🏻Email: Make sure to subscribe to the channel: Or visit the website:



Welcome to our music channel, where rhythms intertwine and melodies come to life. Explore a vibrant sonic world, from timeless classics to contemporary beats. Dive into diverse genres that transcend borders and cultures, connecting with fellow music lovers worldwide. Join us in celebrating the transformative power of music, as we share stories, discover new talents, and unite through the universal language of sound. Tune in, turn up the volume, and embark on a journey where every note carries you to new heights.

Simply Awesome Planet


Welcome to Simply Awesome Planet, where curiosity meets discovery! Dive into a world of wonder with our short, captivating videos that explore the fascinating questions you've always pondered. From the mysteries of the cosmos to the secrets of the deep sea, we uncover the extraordinary in the ordinary, leaving you awestruck with each episode. Join us on a journey of endless fascination as we unravel the mysteries of our incredible planet, one captivating video at a time. Subscribe now !