Warhammer Online: Return of Reckoning PvP


This is player versus player game play from the Return of Reckoning server. This is not a private server; it is open to EVERYONE. This server is maintained by many of the former Warhammer Online developers, and they are constantly working on new content for the game. The server is legit and faces no risk of being shut down, those who own the rights have been aware of the server for years at this point in time. As long as there is no profit from the game by the developers, those who hold the rights will not step in. You can down load and play the game for free at returnofreckoning.com Join the waaagh!

wanna earn ? follow up !


As a Business Strategist and Motivational Speaker, my YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing valuable insights and practical tips for individuals who are interested in starting or growing their businesses. Whether you're looking for innovative business ideas, effective business solutions, or inspiration to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level, you'll find it all here. Through my videos, I aim to empower aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, and mindset they need to succeed in the competitive world of business. Join me on this exciting journey of entrepreneurship and personal growth, and let's achieve success together!

Bruno Garrido - Letras & Livros


Olá, seja bem-vindo ao meu canal. Meu nome é Bruno, sou formado em Jornalismo, em Letras e tenho Doutorado em Linguística. Trabalho como revisor desde 2008 em uma universidade pública e quero compartilhar com você meus conhecimentos e experiências nessa jornada como profissional do texto e admirador do idioma de Camões e de Machado. Aqui neste espaço quero trazer conteúdos sobre língua portuguesa, redação, dicas de livros e de estudos, e muito mais. Além de vídeos mais longos e detalhados, sob o formato de videoaulas, você vai encontrar vídeos mais curtos e diretos, com abordagem mais simples e que pode servir também como curiosidade ou entretenimento. É uma forma de mostrar que aprender língua portuguesa pode ser também uma diversão. Ficou interessado? Então já está convidado a se inscrever no canal e a acompanhar os nossos conteúdos. Conto com a sua presença. Obrigado pela atenção e até os próximos vídeos. Abraços a todos. Bruno Garrido

Quran must be read to return to the right path


The prophet Muhammad, sometimes spelled Mohammed or Mohammad, was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in A.D. 570. Muslims believe he was the final prophet sent by Allah to reveal their faith to mankind. According to Islamic texts and tradition, an angel named Gabriel visited Muhammad in 610 while he was meditating in a cave. The angel ordered Muhammad to recite the words of Allah. Muslims believe that Muhammad continued to receive revelations from Allah throughout the rest of his life. Starting in about 613, Muhammad began preaching throughout Mecca the messages he received. He taught that there was no other Allah but Allah and that Muslims should devote their lives to this Allah

Leituras de John Finnis


A teoria da lei natural oferece um interessante quadro metodológico e conceitual para a compreensão do comportamento humano em sociedade. A teoria da lei natural é uma teoria da utilização da razão prática para a determinação do sentido moral das ações humanas, da vida em sociedade e do direito enquanto ferramenta para a construção do bem comum. A atividade de extensão LEITURAS DE JOHN FINNIS consistirá em aulas expositivas semanais, que o Prof. Rodrigo Raposo ministrará com o propósito de apresentar a obra Natural Law & Natural Rights, de autoria de John Finnis.

Living on the International Space Station: From Launch to Return" This title captures the essence of life aboard the ISS, from its inception and components to its vital role in scientific research and space exploration missions


Explore life aboard the International Space Station (ISS), humanity's orbital laboratory launched in 1998. Conducting vital research in microgravity, it supports experiments across biology, physics, and astronomy, crucial for future space missions. Orbiting at 330-435 km altitude, the ISS completes 15.54 orbits daily, a beacon of international collaboration in space exploration

Return of the disc


Welcome to Return of the disc, my name is Dan. This YouTube channel is dedicated to Film theory, Movie Reviews, Physical Media, 4k, blu-ray reviews and more. The objective is to bring awareness to movies that are available on disc. I grew up at the end of the Video Store era. I have been collecting physical media since 2001. I am also a filmmaker. I have experience writing, directing, producing and editing my own feature and short form movies. I look forward to growing a positive cinephile community. Thank you.