Tv 2000 - Humor Shqip


Tv 2000 i ka fillimet e saj ne fundvitin 1999 me themelues z. Haxhi Jusufi. Duke qene se themeluesi jone ka qene gjithmone i perfshire ne humor dhe satirike ku perfshihet dhe gazeta e pare e pavarur humoristike "Kunji" edhe ne morem te njejten rrjedhe. Me nje histori prej me shume se 20 vitesh humori popullor dhe ai modern i pershtatur per humor popullor vazhdojme te jemi prane shikuesve tane nepermjet ketij kanali ne Youtube. Ky eshte kanali i vetem i cili ka te drejtat te transmetoje humoret dhe skecet tona. Ju lutem nese e merni kete informacion dhe shikoni qe dikush po na "sulmon" duke transmetuar humoret tona pa te drejte na kontaktoni ne Ju faleminderit.

Haze Smoke Shop


Haze Smoke Shop has been in the vaping business for 11 years. With the passage of time, it seemed wise to broaden the scope of our store by including more complex and sophisticated range of vapes. We provide a huge variety of devices for all types of users, starting from disposables to high-end desktop electric rigs. We are authorized retailers of all of the well-known brands and we ensure availability of devices along with their accessories, such as SMOK, Yocan, Uwell, Geekvape, Voopoo, Vaporesso, Arizer, Puffco, Utillian, Dr Dabber, G Pen, DynaVap and Zeus. Best of all, we tell the users what to watch out for and how to avoid costly mistakes before, during, and after selecting the vaping device. We provide detailed information about vaping products and accessories through our channel.