Živ Čovek Miran Rubin


Brata Mirana Rubina možete pratiti na: TikTok Profilu: https://www.tiktok.com/@miran.rubin8?lang=en ------------------------------------- FB Profil: https://www.facebook.com/miranrubin ------------------------------------- VK profilu: https://vk.com/id678809899 ------------------------------------- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFc7sfkcyKFnHL4J1V8qutQ ------------------------------------- U slučaju blokade ovog kanala.Brata Mirana možete pratiti na sledećim linkovima: ------------------------------------- YouTube (II): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYdn6RqprftXqA-MMwcFmvA ------------------------------------ YouTube (III): https://www.youtube.com/@tehnosferaarhiva ------------------------------------ Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all ------------------------------------- BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Dwn4gMSNrFQI/ ------------------------------------ Odysee.com: https://odysee.com/@MiranRubin:b ------------------------------------- RuTube: https://rutube.ru/channel/23673412/ ------------------------------------- Slava Svevišnjem - Slava Rodu - Slava Slavenskoj Domovini #miran #rubin #zivcovek

Regaining Health And Humanity Podcast


Welcome to the stimulating Regaining Health and Humanity podcast. Embark on a thrilling journey towards unparalleled wellness as we arm you with evidence-based insights, relevant breakthroughs, and impactful health information. Together, we’ll explore the extraordinary realms of human connection and empathy, as we dive deep into the intriguing mysteries of what makes us tick. Brace yourself for courageous conversations that challenge the status quo and fearlessly unravel the secrets to living your best life. Tune in for highly impactful information as we boldly navigate the landscape of natural solutions, unlocking the keys to a life filled with boundless health and happiness. Get ready to unleash the extraordinary potential within you and enjoy a life with more health and happiness!

Supernatural Revelation, Divine Insights into God the Universe, World's Creation, Laws of Creation-Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Personality, Spirituality, Eternity, Temporality, Religion, Belief, Human Society, Culture, Law and Values, Salvation, Miracles


The Search for God, Eternity, Life after death and the Meaning of Life. Looking at How Science, Religion, Human Society, Culture and Values shape our worldview, laws, relationships, spirituality and the practice or lack thereof of Eternity and Miracles.

Human Organisations, Cooperative Economics and Democratic Societies, Vision and Mission that drives genuine society development and transformation. Just societies and Holistic living.


The Search for Societies that exist to serve and build their human citizens and are founded on the core values of Justice, Mercy, Faith, in culture, values, economics, social structures, human rights and values, care for the least and humility of the powerful. Examples of societies that have created true societies that serve mankind.

베리타스 연구소 Center for Human Dignity (검열백업장소)


유투브 백업 채널] 베리타스 연구소 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpnNQgj0ZFY-FGiUiy69SUA 한국에서 유통이 어렵지만 인생을 사는데 중요한 (주로 영미권의) 고퀄 정보를 선별한 후 필터링을 거쳐 업로드하는 채널입니다. 주요 주제는 뉴스에서 다루지 않거나 허투루 다루는 의학, 과학 데이타와 세계 유수의 논문, 그리고 한국 뉴스에서 보여주지 않는 외국 기사 등입니다. 베리타스 연구소장 (구 닥터손) 은 논문 조사와 연구 논문 작성이 주업인데 높은 수준의 과학적 방법론과 통계 분석 기준을 본 채널에도 적용하여 적절한 이슈에 관해 알기 쉽게 영상으로 제작하여 올바른 정보를 보급하려 합니다. 그 외에 종교와 세계관, 인문사회과학 분야의 주제도 다룰 예정입니다.

Elevating Humanity to Higher Consciousness


The time is NOW and we must RISE UP together! Awaken light warriors, starseeds, indigos, wanderers... and JOIN ME as we plant the seeds of truth. We need to expose the truth, and it's essential for all to understand HOW to find the real Truth. Everyone needs to know how to research it, seek it out, and use your own power to discern for YOURSELF what is and is NOT Truth. Real Truth does not waiver, it is something we know in our hearts and bodies, and we feel it in the fabric of our beings. We just KNOW when you drown out the distractions and deceitful information being pushed in our faces and shoved down our throats. It's time to get back to this innate knowing that we humans ALL have-- our intuition. You do not need to spoon-feed Truth. Wa are One. This is the Ultimate Divine Truth.



Iran Plata Fabregat nació en Santiago de las Vegas, La Habana, Cuba. Se graduó de la Academia de Bellas Artes «San Alejandro» en 1991. Comercializó sus obras como miembro de la galería-calle «Víctor Manuel», en la plaza de la catedral de la Habana. Impartió clases de pintura en la Academia de Bellas Artes «San Alejandro». También fue profesor y jefe de la cátedra de pintura de la Academia de Bellas Artes «Eduardo Abella», en San Antonio de los Baños.Vive en Montreal, Canadá.