Train Smart - Then Hard


We at are dedicated to making you better in MMA and self defense. Our maxim "train smart - than hard" is what we're all about. Smart training methods above all else, then hard work. So if you're a coach, fighter or a recreational practitioner - you've come to the right place. One can't exist without another, but unfortunately we've seen a lot of hard workers in MMA that come up short because they were missing the most important ingredient - systematic and intelligent approach to training. And this is where we come in. Let us be your guide through the world of Mixed Martial Arts and self defense and we will show you how to train properly, win fights, change the way you think about training and minimize your chance of injury. Our videos feature tricks, tips, techniques, & various other subjects connected to MMA. We also feature other experts. SUBSCRIBE!

Bernhard erforscht


Mein Name ist Bernhard Kutzler. Ich war schon immer leidenschaftlich neugierig. Daher studierte ich Mathematik und wurde Wissenschaftler und Unternehmer. Nebenbei machte ich auch Ausbildungen zum Ernährungsberater, psychologischen Handleser, Numerologen und Alchemisten. 2009 beendete ich meine Karriere in der Mathematik und begann eine neue Karriere als Mentalcoach. 2014 beendete ich auch diese Karriere, um mich ganz der Erforschung der Frage ‘Was bin ich?’ zu widmen … und um einen Weg zu finden, Wissenschaft und Spiritualität zu vereinen. Ich lebte 3,5 Jahre ohne sozialen Umgang, um die Programme zu finden und zu erforschen, die einen Großteil meines Verhaltens und Denkens kontrollieren; und ich wollte mich von ihnen befreien. Dabei entwickelte ich eine Theorie des Geistes, die ich zu einer Theorie von Allem erweiterte. Daraus entstanden drei Bücher: eines über Bewusstsein, eines über Neugier und eines über Frei-Sein. Siehe meine Webseite für weitere Informationen. Die Adresse ist Meine Forschungen drehen sich unter anderem um den Geist, die Natur unserer Existenz, das Bewusstsein, soziale Programmierung, persönliches Wachstum und Methoden der Selbsterforschung. In diesem Podcast erzähle ich von meinen Erkenntnissen, Einsichten und Erfahrungen auf dieser geistigen Reise. Webseite: Bücher: Substack Newsletter: LinkedIn:



Welcome to our Book Insider channel dedicated to providing Hindi Book Summaries and Hindi Audio Books. We understand that reading can be a time-consuming task, and sometimes it's not possible to devote hours to reading an entire book. That's where we come in! Our channel is designed to provide you with a quick and comprehensive summary of the latest and most popular Hindi books, covering various genres like leadership, motivational, self-help, and more. Our goal is to make knowledge more accessible to everyone, regardless of their busy schedules or reading abilities. So if you're looking for a quick and easy way to keep up with the latest Hindi books, or you want to explore the world of audio books, then our channel is the perfect place for you. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe to our channel.

Waterontharder Apeldoorn


Welkom bij Waterontharder Apeldoorn – dé specialist in waterontharders voor huishoudens en bedrijven in Apeldoorn en omgeving! 🌊💧 Wij helpen u met de verkoop, installatie en het onderhoud van hoogwaardige waterontharders, zodat u kunt genieten van kalkvrij water, schonere apparatuur en een duurzamer huishouden. ✔ Voordelen van een waterontharder: ✅ Geen kalkaanslag in badkamer en keuken ✅ Zachter water voor huid en haar ✅ Langere levensduur van apparaten ✅ Lagere energiekosten Bezoek onze website voor meer informatie: of neem contact met ons op via 📞 +31 555 690 013. U vindt ons op 📍Het Rietveld 55A, 7321 CT, Apeldoorn, Gelderland. Abonneer u op ons kanaal en blijf op de hoogte van de beste tips en adviezen over waterontharders! #Waterontharder #KalkvrijWater #Apeldoorn

Med Ed Insider


** Your Trusted Source for Health & Wellness!** *Welcome to our channel dedicated to making complex medical topics easy to understand! Whether you're a student, healthcare professional, or simply someone interested in learning more about human health, this is the place for you. * We cover a wide range of subjects, from anatomy and physiology to medical procedures, diseases, and much more. With clear explanations, engaging visuals, and step-by-step breakdowns, we aim to help you master key concepts and stay updated with the latest medical knowledge. *Subscribe and join us on this educational journey to enhance your understanding of the fascinating world of medicine! # Stay informed, stay healthy #

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Hi friends, I am (GGmod)! I create gaming videos with different ideas. My channel differs from similar ones in that I create videos with a special approach: using Adobe Premire Pro and then making unique previews in Source Filmmaker and Adobe Photoshop. I also use free images from google in the background in my locations in my videos. The audio and video sources in this video were created so that the viewer hears and sees the new UNIQUE content.