The Side Hustle That'll Make You Want To Quit Your Job


Thinking about quitting your job and working for yourself? NOW more than EVER is the best time to start a business that will create financial security for years to come. If you are looking for something uncomplicated, straightforward, with no gimmicks, then see what I've been doing for the last 23 years. The video below will explain why it's helped me become not only self-employed no matter the market conditions but a sought-after asset in my community. HERE IS WHAT IT IS NOT 🚫 - It has NOTHING TO DO with a computer or the internet - It is NOT a business you work just from the house (think your local area) HERE IS WHAT IT IS ✅ - Involves a product that touches 80% of ALL commerce - Does NOT require employees - Does not require brick and mortar location - Does not require you to work all day to make it happen. This is uncomplicated / straightforward and scalable. If you are curious, don't sleep on it! --

Animal Sanctuary


Jacobs Ridge is a private animal sanctuary in Murcia, Spain offering a forever home to 140+ animals. This includes: horses, pigs, donkeys, goats, sheep, cats and dogs, many of which have been neglected, abused or abandoned. We offer all-inclusive volunteer experience breaks, making us not just a sanctuary for animals, but a sanctuary for people too. Our mission is to be completely self-sustainable and not rely on hand-outs or donations. However, the pandemic had a massive impact on our funding model and so we have had to turn to other fundraising methods. We promote a vegan lifestyle because we believe that every being has a right to life and a Life Without Fear.