Liberty Is The Law


DECLARATION OF LIFE PURPOSE The life of Barry H. Durmaz is wholly given over to Exercising, Promoting, and Defending humanity's greatest need—liberty. God's perfect law of liberty in the Lord Jesus Christ and man's best law of liberty—the U.S. Constitution. EXPLANATION OF LIFE PURPOSE The perfect law of liberty was birthed at the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in A.D. 33, Who gifted the world with two kinds of liberty, both of them internal to the individual: • Spiritual liberty (freedom from sin) • Liberty of conscience Man's best law of liberty, the U.S. Constitution, protects at least four kinds of liberty external to the individual: • Religious liberty • Economic liberty • Civil liberty • Political liberty The U.S. Constitution of 1787 is the letter of American law and republican form of government. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 is the Spirit behind the letter.

Aqui você vai encontrar uma variedade de receitas, que podem ser servidas em todas as ocasiões e agradam a todos os paladares.Quando escolher uma receita para fazer faça com amor,isso torna o trabalho do cozinheiro mais divertido e a refeição mais in


Aqui você vai encontrar uma variedade de receitas, que podem ser servidas em todas as ocasiões e agradam a todos os paladares.Quando escolher uma receita para fazer faça com amor,isso torna o trabalho do cozinheiro mais divertido e a refeição mais interessante para quem você fez.Bom apetite

Excel and More


Excel & More contains tutorial videos about MS Excel and other learning materials. MS Excel is a spreadsheet where one can record, analyze and save data. It is a widely used Microsoft Office application and has become a significant part of every business. If you want to get ahead, you have to excel in MS Excel. As a Certified Public Accountant, Financial Consultant and an Entrepreneur, MS Excel has been my tandem in my career for more than 2 decades. I also use it for my personal financial monitoring and budgeting. My goal is to help people learn to work with Excel in an efficient manner by making use of its time saving functions and formulas.

The Laughing Goats


Need some adventure in your life? It's all here: from fun day trips to epic vacations. Better start packing! We'll show you fun things to do, amazing sites to explore, and travel trips for each destination so you can have stress-free, outrageous fun. Immerse yourself in the outdoors, learn a little history, and taste the local culture. Put the laughter back in your day. Stick with the duo: Mom & Kid - (haha) my baby goat! Grab life by the shoelaces & take the 1st step. Sound awesome? Then "follow" us!