Wanting answers and stories that involves use of force by police in mercer county west virginia and the southern regional jail in beaver west virginia


I'm searching for answers in West Virginia around the following dates Dec 1,2019 thru Feb 5,2020. involving the mercer county west virginia police and southern regional jail beaver west virginia. I'm also looking for anyone with stories involving these two subjects. you can remain anonymous if you'd like I'll leave my email below for everyone to get in touch with me. Thanks in advance to anyone and everyone who comes forward.

The Universal Religion of Truth


This channel is in operation for the sole purpose of bringing the attention of the world to Lord Holy-Apostle Deen Saleem, The Messenger Prophet of The Lord Most High. The Lord Most High has Given him Its New Book for mankind and Its New Name of Ahezaah (formerly Allah or Allaah). The Holy Messenger has free literature available at: https://globalrevelation.blogspot.com/?m=1 Also, The Latest Holy Covenant in Book form from The Lord can be accessed at: https:// www.theuniversalreligionoftruth.com/shop Please feel free to enjoy the shows and free materials before further investing in acquiring The New Covenant and Its forerunning book. The Messenger passed on in 2012 but The Works Delivered through him lives on.