IVALA® - 3D Veterinary Anatomy - Promo Verified


Our patients are 3-dimensional, and the problems we deal with on a daily basis as a practitioner require us to engage with them that way. Like which way you need to derotate a stomach during a GDV; or the neuroanatomy that might be diseased given an abnormal cranial nerve reflex; or which way we need to tilt our ultrasound probe to give us a better view of the left adrenal. To date however, the overwhelming majority of teaching material has focused on these concepts in just 2-dimensions. A concept that should be straightforward to understand, commit to memory & ultimately utilise for the benefit of our patients, all of a sudden isn’t. We’re on a mission to change that. Join now: https://www.ivalalearn.com

Página Um


PÁGINA UM é um órgão de informação, vocacionado sobretudo para a investigação jornalística e para a análise e reflexão de assuntos da actualidade com o objectivo de promover o debate público sobre temas de interesse social. PÁGINA UM é uma publicação online e digital independente, apartidária, não doutrinária e sem qualquer orientação ideológica ou de qualquer outra natureza. PÁGINA UM disponibiliza informação útil e factual, que responda aos interesses informativos dos cidadãos. PÁGINA UM conduz a sua acção pelo rigor informativo, apostando na diversidade de opiniões, e recusando perspectivas sensacionalistas. PÁGINA UM defende intransigentemente o espírito da Constituição Portuguesa e a vida em Democracia, bem como a Carta Universal dos Direitos Humanos, assente na completa liberdade de expressão. PÁGINA UM cumpre e respeita escrupulosamente o Código Deontológico dos Jornalistas e a legislação aplicável ao sector da comunicação social, actuando sempre numa base de boa-fé perante os seus leitores e as entidades públicas e privadas. PÁGINA UM apoia a divulgação de iniciativas de cariz cívico e que promovam o maior envolvimento dos cidadãos na vida do país.

Whiggaz with attitudes Lord Clifford P. Focus & Ye Olde Uncle Dusty Esquire are some dirty good for nothing lazy, no job having Original WHiggaz broadcasting with stolen mics whilst sitting on 22'z Wednesday's live at 9:30PM , join them or get your nooodl


Welcome to Thee Original Whiggaz Rumble ya tardedgayz , Live Wednesday's at 9:30pm EST . Find us on Rumble YT Twitter Instagram Facebook Reddit being dumb lazy good for nothing WHiggaz comedic improvish of the top entertainment w/ Clifford Focus & ye olde Uncle Dust. You go now to Bonfire.com/OriginalWhiggazWearz for merch , you buy now or you get out of our store .

Serene Nature: Relaxing Scenes to Relieve Stress


Welcome to our channel, a virtual haven for those seeking peace and serenity. Explore the unmatched beauty of nature through stunning scenes, soothing sounds, and relaxing visualizations. From tranquil beaches to the majestic splendor of mountains, our mission is to provide a digital sanctuary where you can disconnect from everyday stress and reconnect with the tranquility of nature. Watch, take a deep breath, and let the natural wonders guide you on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation. Subscribe and become a part of this community that values the simple beauty of the natural world and the importance of finding calm in your busy life.

Magnates Media


🎥 Mini-movies about business, marketing, money, & more. 🤵 My name is John, and my goal is to make unique high-quality videos on fascinating subjects & stories (by blending information and entertainment together). 📺 Think of it like a slightly more productive version of Netflix... Unless you're a Netflix lawyer, in which case think of it as something else. 🤑 Whilst business & money are core themes of the channel (hence the 'Magnates' part of the name), my hope is that anyone can enjoy these videos, as we'll be diving into a wide range of interesting topics. 🔔 Feel free to subscribe if you'd like to come along for the ride. Business & Sponsor Inquiries: magnatesmedia@protonmail.com