HaMakom Fellowship


Welcome to HaMakom Fellowship! HaMakom means "The Place" and is found throughout Scripture. (See Gen. 28:16). We are an online, live and interactive fellowship of Messianic believers and others from across the U.S. and internationally. HaMakom Fellowship is accessible to the scattered or isolated remnant of believers throughout the world. We lift up and honor Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Erev Shabbat Service gatherings are held via Zoom every other Friday evening at 7 pm Mountain Time U.S. We also offer special services throughout the month such as Feast Days, Havdalah, Prayer Gatherings and more. We invite you to join us and make meaningful connections from the comfort of your own home, work or while traveling. Our gatherings focus on Bible Study, Teaching, Praise & Worship, and Fellowship. For more information or to join us for a truly meaningful worship service, please visit our website at https://hamakomfellowship.com

Former Adventist Fellowship | Life Assurance Ministries


FormerAdventist is the official YouTube channel of Life Assurance Ministries, Inc. (LAM), founded by Dale Ratzlaff, a former Adventist pastor and educator who left Adventism after discovering the Biblical gospel. Life Assurance is the producer of Proclamation! Magazine Online, Former Adventist Fellowship Bible Study, Former Adventist Podcast, Former Adventist Conferences, and more. Videos from conferences, podcasts, testimonies, and baptisms are featured on this channel. MISSION: To proclaim the good news of the new covenant gospel of grace in Christ and to combat the errors of legalism and false religion. MOTTO: Truth needs no other foundation than honest investigation under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and a willingness to follow truth when it is revealed. MESSAGE: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God; not of works, that no one should boast." Ephesians 2:8–9

Fellowship Gaming


Located in or near the Cache Valley area of Northern Utah resides a group much like the Fellowship of the Ring. We are a band of adventurers who have come together from all walks of life to embattle and overcome both the fantastical and the real. Here at Fellowship Gaming, we are ushered and heralded by our GM/DM extraordinaire (retired Army Staff Sergeant Casey Roberts), who narrates the stories we partake and ultimately reigns us in. The world is a scary place at times, and like the Fellowship, no matter what comes our way we stand together, united in purpose, and steadfast in determination. We welcome you into our Fellowship!