Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC


“One of the inescapable encumbrances of leading an interesting life is that there have to be moments when you almost lose it.” ― Jimmy Buffett, A Pirate Looks at Fifty Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC is comprised of a dedicated and experienced group of Adventurers who's primary goal- through extensive field work and investigation, is to secure the ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot. In pursuit of our goal to secure the ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot, we conduct one major field operation per year into a remote and hostile wilderness area that is calculated to yield the best proof of Bigfoot's existence- which many times involves an up close and personal with Mr. Big himself. That being said, our expeditions are not for everyone as they generally revolve around activities that involve significant elements of danger. In any event, we at Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC view these hazards as nothing more than minor inconveniences- which we may encounter.

Xtreme Swing Trade Contest


The Xtreme Swing Trade Contest is a one-month giveaway contest where three traders each select a stock. I fund their picks with real money, and at the end of the month, the trader with the highest returns takes home some of the profits. The others leave empty-handed, no matter how their stocks perform. It’s all about strategy, skill, and a little luck! The show will be on YouTube and managed through Discord! so don't forget to join the Discord Server! @ https://discord.gg/MMFRAjys8Z

ExtraCarry Mag Pouches


The ExtraCarry™ Mag Pouch grew out of necessity. There wasn't a good way to carry a spare mag concealed, especially if you wanted to pocket carry. The goal of the ExtraCarry Team: Bring to market the best mag pouch for deep concealment, without compromising the features required to carry spare ammo securely and ready to use in an emergency. With more than a year's worth of field testing, continued design improvements and feedback from top industry professionals, we introduced the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch product line in 2015. We are always looking for feedback from the firearms community on what to design next. Don't hesitate to contact us. We are always willing to do a new design for something we don't currently offer. If you have a custom idea we might be able to help with it as well. Let us know how you use your ExtraCarry™ Mag Pouch. We would be happy to mention it in an upcoming Blog post. I am sure our followers want to know as well. The ExtraCarry™ Mag Pouch Team