Care Packages for our Heroes


Welcome to Troopathon: Year-Round Support for Our Troops! Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of our brave servicemen and women throughout the year. Troopathon is the ultimate and most convenient way to send love and support to our deserving troops, not just during the holiday season. Every single donation holds immense importance as it directly contributes to caring for the next person on our ship list. Each care package is meticulously hand-packed and personally addressed to someone serving our country on the front lines. Packed with the most requested items and infused with love, our care packages ensure that no one is forgotten. At Troopathon, we firmly believe in showing gratitude to those who selflessly defend our freedom. Your donation today can make a significant difference in the lives of our troops. Please join us in supporting our heroes by making a donation today. Together, let's ensure that our brave men and women serving our nation know that they are appreciated and valued. Donate now to make a meaningful impact and show your support for our troops.

Rumble Kids Zone 🐠 🧑 (Best Page for your Kids To Learn And Educate)


TODDLER Learning and KIDS Educational Videos Videos and Baby Learning Videos with a real teacher, Ms Rachel! Ms Rachel uses techniques recommended by speech therapists and early childhood experts to help children learn important milestones and preschool skills! You can trust Ms Rachel to provide interactive, high quality screen time! Ms Rachel also gets kids moving through fun nursery rhymes & kids songs videos! Her videos for toddlers are informed by research and are full of learning standards that will help preschoolers thrive! Ms Rachel loves teaching letters, numbers, colors, animal sounds and more! She also has learn to talk videos and incorporates sign language! Ms Rachel has a masters in music education from NYU and is almost finished a second masters in early childhood education. Parents and children can watch and learn together. Ms Rachel loves to teach and loves your wonderful family! Let's learn, grow and thrive!

The Emperor of Sages


Alexander T. Newport -- The Furious One Truth Finder The only philosopher on earth promoting Perfect Eternal Conscious Energy and The Dreamworld Theory. Born in 1964 in Dayton, Ohio (Huber Heights) Philosopher since 1970. Author of >> It's No Joke: We Live in Hell (Available at Amazon) Nothing real was harmed by this nightmare. Shooting & broadcasting videos since April 2017 BANNED at Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram. Can no longer upload to BrandNewTube. Can't post vids about "viruses", vaccines, Germ Theory, or Q-drops at Youtube. MY BITCHUTE CHANNEL IS MY MAIN CHANNEL AND CONTAINS OVER 230 VIDEOS. I'm the author of one of a kind philosophy books. Check 'em out! Get the paperback It's No Joke: We Live in Hell here: KINDLE HERE : NEW BOOK FOR 2022 -- Perfect Eternal Conscious Energy KINDLE -- NEW SLIM PAPERBACK -- NEW BOOK FOR 2022: You're Absolutely Fucked Here No Matter What NEW BOOK FOR 2022: Ain't No Titties in Heaven NEW BOOK FOR 2022: Feel Better By Stop Trying to Feel Better KINDLE -- NEW BOOK FOR 2022: Your Ideas About Health & Medicine Are All Fucked Up UK AMAZON --



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David Goggins fan page


David Goggins wants to help you build yourself into your best self, and we want to help spread his message. Grow Brain Grow is a fan page dedicated to inspiring you to callus your mind. Check here for daily Goggins videos, discounts on Goggins books, and everything David Goggins. STAY HARD! David Goggins - Get a free David Goggins Audio book - A free 30 Audible trial comes with 1 free audio book. Cancel any time (including before the free trial ends) and keep the book forever. Grow Brain Grow highly recommends the Never Finished audio book. The audio edition includes content that's not included in the print version and is life changing.

Jordan McClung Music (New Age Music)


If you want a different take on music. Then you will love the great variety in this epic cinematic music, from action adventure to stress management. Think of it as the soundtrack for your life, with melodic ambient music, whether you're up for excitement, as in my epic chase type music videos, or uplifting background music as you view majestic mountain tops, or just relax with raindrops on a spring day. Enjoy! If you like my music remember to like and share