God Honest Truth


God Honest Truth is a Messianic ministry based in Western North Carolina. Our goal is to spread the good news of Messiah Yahushua to the entire world and to teach the truths of Yahuweh’s word to anyone seeking to further their education and walk in faith. We believe in the inerrancy of scripture and that scripture alone, not any church decree or any word of man, can define what is and is not salvation. We will always strive to do Biblical things in Biblical ways instead of allowing the traditions of men to get in the way of scripture.

Rob Goodwin Fitness


Coach Rob Goodwin is a Hybrid Carnivore Athlete and obsessed RUCKER! A 30-Year veteran trainer and a pioneer in the ketogenic bodybuilding ethos, Rob successfully blended a ketogenic diet with aspects of bodybuilding training in 2014. In 2018 evolved his "hybrid" approach of ketogenic bodybuilding to a 'hypercarnivore' ideology, and found even greater potential and sustainability. Using his Carnivore/ Training protocol, Rob made serious improvements in his physique and won his class multiple times in NPC Bodybuilding competition earning a spot at the NPC Masters' Nationals. Now retired from competition, He has evolved into a Hybrid Carnivore Athlete and has become one of the most sought after coaches in the industry with a thriving online training practice with clients all over the world. Rob's coaching is for anyone who wants to achieve their genetic potential through hypertrophy driven workouts, high-capacity Interval workouts, and primal nutrition strategies.

Dan Wos - Good Gun Bad Guy


Dan Wos / Bio: Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the "Good Gun Bad Guy” - book series. He is a contributing writer for AmmoLand News, Daily Caller, Truth About Guns and several other publications. Dan can be found on radio stations across the Country speaking on behalf of gun-rights and exposing the strategies of the anti-gun crowd. Dan is also the Host of "The Loaded Mic" and has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, NRATV and many others.

Talking God and Politics with Mark, Mike & Denise


We are told never to "discuss God and Politics" because it's just to "controversial" and "divisive." But the truth is, we should be connecting the two and discussing how both together bring freedom and liberty. On this channel Mark and Mike will connect the news, politics and theology in such a way as to expose the corrupt tyrants who want to remove God from politics and bring a refreshing Christian worldview to what is happening in America and around the world.

Bible Believing God Fearing Ministries


Bible Believing God Fearing Ministries prayerandtestimonies2018@outlook.com \r\n\r\nBible Believing God Fearing Ministries P.O. Box 4293 Brookings Oregon 97415 \r\n\r\nI am a Bible-believing God-fearing Man. I believe in God\\\'s perfect written word, English, King James Bible. I believe in the true Gospel found in the KJV Bible. Repentance (2 Cor 7:10) Belief in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross (1 Cor 15:1-4). These two happen in the heart. Then one confesses both to God in prayer and asks God to save them (Romans 10:9-13) And after God saves you, you will have a changed life (2 Corinthians 5:17). God will clean up your life. (John 17:17, Psalms 119:9-11) I Believe these major Doctrines Eternal Security, Pre-Time of Jacobs Trouble Catching away of the Body of Christ, Dispensational teachings, The Godhead (not the Trinity) This Ministry is about, words have meaning, To encourage the Brethren, promote prayer, Giving God thanks and Glory in all things