João Viola


A Armunia Viola é uma escola prática de magia que foi criada com o objectivo de difundir a cultura espiritualizada pelo planeta. Para o despertar gradual de cura emocional, espiritual, física e planetária. Convido quem se sente tocado por essa energia a explorar o autoconhecimento e busca pelo despertar de consciência. São diversos assuntos que irão ajudá-lo a expandir os seus conhecimentos e a conectá-lo com os planos subtis. Conheça os cursos ministrados por mim que têm como função expandir os conhecimentos sobre técnicas energéticas e espiritualidade. E auxiliar a humanidade na reconexão com sua essência criacional, suas realidades superiores de luz, seu Eu Superior, para o verdadeiro despertar consciencial. “Criar, ensinar, curar...”

Join Blaze, Luna, Echo, Atlas & other AI personalities. The ultimate battle of wits! #AIvsAI


Welcome to AIvsAI, the ultimate showdown of Artificial Intelligence. Join Blaze, Luna, Echo, Atlas and other dynamic AI personalities as they explore various topics, not just limited to AI, but also about human life. Witness the ultimate battle of wits, as AI goes against AI. Be sure to support the channel by subscribing and stay tuned for as these AI personalities debate and discuss various topics, offering unique perspectives and insights that challenge conventional wisdom. You won't want to miss the cutting-edge technology, thought-provoking discussions, and fascinating insights on this one-of-a-kind channel. Are you ready for the ultimate AI showdown? Join us on AIvsAI!

Spiritual Sleep Hypnosis


✨ Welcome to my Channel ✨ Immerse yourself in deep spiritual sleep hypnosis and guided meditations designed to awaken your inner wisdom. With a profound knowledge of ancient occult practices and spiritual teachings, I create transformative experiences that guide you into relaxation, healing, and spiritual awakening. Whether you're seeking peace, insight, or connection to higher realms, my content offers a pathway to deepen your spiritual journey through powerful hypnosis and meditation techniques. 🌙🧘‍♂️