Bill The Drone Reviewer


Welcome to "Bill The Drone Reviewer" where you will find clear concise reviews on drones, drone accessories, tips, tricks, commentary, weekly livestreams, and updates on the drone industry. If you like drones you\'ve found the right place. Background - I am a seasoned IT professional who has always had a passion for technology. I purchased my first drone in December 2016 and have been hooked ever since. In February 2017 I passed my Part 107 exam and am a licensed sUAS Remote Pilot. My parents taught me to always "make do with what you have". I may not have all the high end gear that some other reviewers have but I do have a high end passion second to none for this incredible technology. Thank you so much for stopping by ! "It\'s A Great Day To Fly" !

Levaire | Christian Apologetics, Prophecy & Identity


Hey, I'm Matthew Schoenherr and I'd like to welcome you to Levaire! I'm a recovering marketing pro who has stumbled into a love relationship with Jesus Christ. On this channel, we will be unpacking Bible prophecy, Christian apologetics, Christian identity and evangelical Church teaching. You'll learn how to go deeper with the Bible as we wrestle with the Word of God and get to the bottom of truths about our Father, our King, our Spirit, ourselves and this crazy reality we find ourselves in. Be sure to subscribe/follow for new content and introduce yourself in the comments! And remember, it's the TRUTH that sets you free! See you soon!

Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian


Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian Timothy Campbell Watchman of the End Times (Martyrdom777), Through God's word I will bring you fact from the Bible of the end times Prophecy of the Gog and Magog war/s, the Destruction of Damascus Syria, Harpazo - the Rapture, Tribulation, 3rd Temple, the Great Tribulation, the Anti-Christ, the Two Witnesses, the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, the Millennium, Armageddon, the Lake of Fire, Deep State, I been a Christian since 1981, however, I been walking a righteous path since June 4th. 2011, I been studying the Bible since 1994, I have been a Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian of the End Times for 27 year, I am a real Christian Overcomer that walks a narrow path of righteousness that - Repents - Repentance - Repenting - Repented of my sins of Iniquity this is of Godliness of Holiness which is Righteousness - this is no ABC of Salvation - you need to Repent by getting down on your knees and audibly sincere from deep within from your heart soul out audibly in front of a witness/s to confess that you except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and that you believe he Jesus the Christ dead for your / ours sins and was buried arose in three days and ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father then you beg Jesus God and the Holy Spirit to forgive you of Repentance for your iniquity of sins Yesterday in the Past and Today in the Present and for all unseen sins and even the sins in your dream that you have no control over them, (I'm not of this once saved always saved theology doctrine) you can still lose your salvation. May God bless you all, God Bless

Prophet News


Prophet.News is a news service reporting on prophetic words, visions, and conversations from prophetic voices around the world. “Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 DISCLAIMER: Prophet News does not endorse or give credibility to any prophetic word or vision from any prophetic ministry or person. We simply report what is being heard and said. Individuals should evaluate and determine for themselves the veracity and accuracy of such materials. Many interpretations are subjective and personal in nature, and as such, are each individual’s personal responsibility to prayerfully consider and evaluate. Any commentary given regarding any prophetic word, vision, etc. should be viewed solely as the personal opinion of the commentator and not as any legal, financial, or professional advice. We will report. You prayerfully decide.

Michal Lewicz - Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Airdrop DeFi TestNet Web3 Gaming NFT


Siemanko jestem Michał, ten kanał będzie poświęcony Technologi Blockchain, Kryptowalutom, DeFi oraz szeroko pojętemu zarabianiu online. Zapraszam na moja strone gdzie znajdziecie wiele ciekawych materiałów pomocniczych. Prowadze również grupę na FB i Discord do której dostaniecie sie przez zapis na mojego darmowego E-Booka - Podstawy Kryptowalut -