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Hello! Our channel is all about fun inventions and amazing science experiments. We aim to introduce our viewers to interesting and creative inventions, as well as making learning through scientific experiments fun. Our videos cover a wide range of topics such as STEM education, DIY projects, fun learning, and science fiction technology. There's something for viewers of all ages on our channel! By watching our fun videos, you'll both learn something new and have a great time. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and follow us for more!


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"Bem-vindo ao canal 'Orando com Propósito'! Aqui, mergulhamos em uma jornada espiritual profunda, explorando a fé e a oração com significado e intenção. Descubra práticas inspiradoras, meditações guiadas e reflexões que irão enriquecer sua vida espiritual. Juntos, vamos aprender a orar com propósito, conectando-nos de maneira mais profunda com o divino e transformando nossas vidas através da poderosa ferramenta da oração. Subscreva agora para embarcar nesta jornada espiritual enriquecedora!" "Welcome to the 'Praying with Purpose' channel! Here, we embark on a deep spiritual journey, exploring faith and prayer with meaning and intention. Discover inspiring practices, guided meditations, and reflections that will enrich your spiritual life. Together, we will learn to pray with purpose, connecting more deeply with the divine and transforming our lives through the powerful tool of prayer. Subscribe now to embark on this enriching spiritual journey!"

Unlock a Life you Love


More and more physicians today ARE talking about spiritualism, emotion and their effects on the human body. But, they are bound by rational science and guidelines that do not allow for things that cannot be weighed or measured. We have no way to measure the weight of a soul or the volume of the emotion of love. Yet, we have all felt emotions, suspect we have a soul and have been taught that all of these things are separate, yet are experienced by the same person, body, mind and soul.