INDEPENDENT PODCAST dedicated to bring you the stories, news, events, PSY OPS, Warning you of MIS/DIS information. Showing you the facts, all sides of the stories for you to form your own opinion. We encourage you to do your own research to correlate, compare and contrast all things to make a logical, informed & confident decision on what you believe to be true honest, fair, unbiased journalism / "NEWS". Host/Producer: BIG "ZIG" ZELENKO Peace Of Mind Productions, LLC. ** MISSION STATEMENT: - Logical thoughts on Truthful Stories. Based on Facts, Bringing Sanity Back to Humans. ** OBJECTIVE: To bring the audience a well-rounded, deeply researched summary of the daily "news' ' that takes place on Planet Earth. To educate those just awakening & to spark "food for thought". and help those think outside of the box. To have an open mind & to understand we have been lied to about almost everything we know to be true about this reality we live in; a "Prison Planet" / "FARM" / "SIMULATION". [ To possibly say something to wake up at least ONE sleeping sheep that randomly comes across this production & begins the awakening journey ] > TO FORCE THE MSM, Fake Truthers, PAYtriots, and TROLLS to admit the truth about what we are ahead of at least 3 to 4 days in advance thanks to our DIGITAL ARMY WORLDWIDE! > To network with fellow truthers, anons, patriots, freedom fighters, sovereign, high-frequency light beings that are seekers of knowledge and truth. SOCIAL MEDIA: @TheDailyDrip17 - X @Zig_Zelenko - X @BigZigZELENKO - TRUTH SOCIAL @BigZigProductions - IG @BigZigProductions - TikTok @ThePSYOPcypher - X @BigZigMedia - X @ThePsyOpCypher17 - TELEGRAM * I.C.O.N.S. OFFICIAL AFFILIATE * Patriot & Warrior Broadcast. Loaded with Discussion, Intel, Thoughts, Ideas, and Info on current events and news in the headlines....As we are waiting for this Movie to end! We are trying to connect with other Patriots and Freedom Fighters to help us spread our voice in the Community. Especially a conduit to help the sleepers and normies when Sh*t Hits The Fan! We want to speed up the awakening as soon as humanly possible! Our Mission is to seek knowledge and Educate those still on "AutoPilot". - WWG1WGA - NCSWIC - SEVENTEEN - PEACE OF MIND PRODUCTIONS, LLC. BIG ZIG MEDIA, INC. 2006 - 2024 PROFESSIONAL EDITOR, AUDIO ENGINEER, FILMMAKER, PRODUCER, MIX ENGINEER, CONSULTANT, WRITER, CAMERA OP, PHOTOGRAPHER, VOICE ARTIST, SKETCH ARTIST, SOUND DESIGNER, SEEKER OF KNOWLEDGE, SOVEREIGN SOUL, FREEDOM FIGHTER, SMALL BUSINESS / SMALL GOVERNMENT / DECENTRALIZED / NON COMPLY / QUESTION EVERYTHING / PRAISE SOURCE "MINDED" PATRIOT OF THIS LAND. TRUTH SEEKER.

The Aaron Day Show Verified


"The Aaron Day Show" on Rumble is a critical platform where Aaron Day addresses the impending threats of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the urgent need for a shift towards self-custody digital assets. Drawing from his extensive background as a serial entrepreneur and liberty activist, Day illuminates the authoritarian potential of CBDCs to control financial transactions and personal freedoms. Through in-depth discussions, expert insights, and actionable strategies, this show empowers viewers to understand and counteract the rush towards digital authoritarianism before pivotal elections.

Seek Truth Daily


There is a time and season for every tree to sprout new branches, then leaves, then bloom and then the fruit. In time you will know what to do but God by Grace will give you the faith to do his will and you will with out fail... For now hold dear to God\'s truth and that truth is Jesus Christ... His light being in you will shine forward with time moving in the same direction placing the children of God where they need to be as Gods will be done. please Visit Study the History of your Religion and Prove your Teachers. There are more false teachings of Jesus Christ today than any other time in history. #ProveAllThings Know that Jesus is the Holy Place, Jesus is Our Holy Place, Stand with Faith in Jesus Christ. Read the true word of GOD for yourself.. King James Bible Matthew Chapter 5, This is when Jesus 1st taught the disciples. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life Jesus Christ is the Holy Place, Jesus Christ is our Holy Place

The Last Days - by Pastor Joseph Cortes


If you're looking for teaching on the man-made Daniel's 70th week magical last 7 years pre-tribulation end times Christian Science Fiction Doctrine (CSF), you wont find it here. Keep in mind, this collection is an ongoing series. It's important to start from the beginning, and work your way up to the present day because you'll need the earlier info to understand the latter episodes. In the first video, Pastor Joseph Cortes of "Faith Coming By Hearing" ministries will introduce his Last Days teaching series which began August 9, 2009 and has continued until the present day. In the second video Pastor Cortes will explain the historical origins of the CSFD myth & beliefs (mentioned above), held by the modern church today. From then on, it's a roller coaster ride using Biblical and secular historical dates, times, and events that mark the fulfillment of end times prophecies stretching from the Old Testament into the New Testament, on to the modern day, and into the very short future ahead before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. OH! Have your Bible and pen or pencil ready from the start. You don't yet know what a blessing it will be later to reference those notes you've made. Want more of Pastor Cortes? Visit Access his video archives in the Teaching Center. at: Watch Joseph A. Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries LIVE at 4 PM PST every Monday and Thursday nights at Enjoy the ride!

Daily Bread And Water


The #Bible From Cover To Cover It's All About #Jesus. We use #SocialMedia to #Share A #VerseOfTheDay, The #Gospel & #JesusIsComingSoon ***Our Belief*** The Bible From Cover To Cover It's All About Jesus. Bread & Water is essential for life. Our physical body needs for food to survive. Our spiritual body needs for Jesus to survive. ***Our Mission*** To plant a seed or water a seed by sharing Scriptures, sharing The Gospel & getting people ready meet Jesus by sharing The Good News that Jesus is coming back SOON!!! ***LINKS TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA*** Bitchute - Brighteon - Discord - Facebook - Harpazo Club - Rumble - Telegram - Twitter - Vimeo - YouTube - ***Read The Bible for yourself*** Here is Websites to read the Bible You can also read The Bible on your smart phone, tablet, computer. Anything with an Android, Apple, Amazon app store. Or Listen to Word Of Promise Audio Bible via our YouTube Playlist Here We Have A PDF Chart Breaking Down The Bible into Chapters Per Book, Verses Per Book, Verses Per Chapter ***How to Be Saved*** "ABC's Of Salvation" & Sample Prayer PDF ***Do you need prayer or have praise report?*** To Request Prayer and/or Share A Praise Report E-Mail us at or Leave a comment, e-mail us or leave a message on our Discord - #Amen, #Apocalypse, #Appetizer, #Believe, #Bible, #BibleProphecy, #BibleStudy, #BibleVerse, #BibleVerseOfTheDay, #Blessed, #Blood, #Bread, #BreadOfLife, #Cast, #Christ, #Christian, #Christianity, #Church, #Cross, #Daily, #Debut, #EndTimes, #Everyday, #Facebook, #FacebookLIVE, #Faith, #God, #GodIsGood, #GodsWord, #Gospel, #Grace, #GraceThroughFaith, #Heaven, #Heal, #HolyGhost, #HolySpirit, #Hope, #Imminent, #Inspiration, #Israel, #Jesus, #JesusIsComing, #JesusIsComingSoon, #JesusIsLord, #JesusLovesYou, #JesusIsKing, #JesusSaves, #LastDays, #LetsGo, #Life, #LIVE, #LIVEStream, #LivingWater, #Lord, #Lost, #LostLovedOnes, #Love, #Maranatha, #MarkOfTheBeast, #Mercy, #Microsoft, #Motivation, #Office, #Paradise, #Peace, #PowerPoint, #Praise, #PraiseReport, #Pray, #Prayer, #Presentation, #Prophecy, #Quotes, #Rapture, #RaptureReady, #Repent, #Request, #Restream, #Revelation, #Rumble, #Salvation, #ScreenCast, #Scripture, #SecondComing, #Slide, #SlideShow, #SocialMedia, #Soon, #SpiritualWarfare, #Stream, #StreamCast, #StreamYard, #Sunday, #Thankful, #Testimony, #Testimonies, #TimeIsShort, #Tribulation, #Truth, #Twitter, #Verse, #VerseOfTheDay, #Video, #VideoPad, #Vimeo, #Water, #WakeUp, #WordOfGod, #Worship, #Yeshua, #YouTube, #YouTubeLIVE,