Common Man's Common Sense


Welcome to Common Man’s Common Sense. Listen along as 4 regular working stiffs; Rex, a heavy equipment operator; Stanley, an auto mechanic, “Captain Reverso” a school janitor; and their executive producer/small business owner discuss the weeks prior political events. If you’d like a laymen’s breakdown from a traditional perspective this show may be just what you’re looking for! You can also shoot us an email with any questions, suggestions or topics you’d like discussed at:

Common Sense Politics: Eyes On Orlando


I am Amania Saluste, host of City Talk, Common Sense Politics, With Eyes On Orlando. We tackle the pressing issues in Orlando, Broken City once known as the City Beautiful. The city is yearning for change after twenty years — five terms — under Mayor Buddy Dyer. Orlando is demanding term limits. The city’s once-charming appeal is waning due to rising crime and violence, high rents, and unaffordable housing, Homelessness, crime, drugs, and shootings are on the rise. The current city administration is falling short on addressing these problems. City Talk’s in-depth conversations with business leaders, lawmakers, pastors, community advocates and more shed light on the current state of affairs in the Broken City once known as the City Beautiful. City Talk will affect positive change starting with our campaign to Retire Dyer and transform our political climate. Join me, Amania Saluste, on my podcast, City Talk, Common Sense Politics, With Eyes On Orlando.