Fastinating Astrology


Fascinating Astrology is the new video series from multimedia artist Alfred Anthony Scudiero. Through Music, he first became interested in the world of astrology due to the similarities between the 12 notes and the 12 signs of the zodiac. By 2002 he began serious study, combining Chinese lunar astrology in his profiling of friends and family and popular people in the public eye. Here we will explore coincidences and symmetries, both good and bad, that exist between humanity and the stars. Please like, comment and subscribe if you like what you see. Unless otherwise noted, all content, including imagery, video and music, is Copyright © 2025 Alfred A. Scudiero. All Rights Reserved.

From USSR to Modern Russia and CIS News in English


Welcome to the 'From USSR to Modern Russia and CIS News in English' channel! Our channel provides voice translations of news from modern Russia and the CIS countries, covering politics, economy, society, and culture. We believe that understanding the diversity of world news is crucial for the global society. That's why we strive to break down the language barrier by offering reliable and timely news in English for everyone who wants to keep up with the events in Russia and the CIS countries. 'From USSR to Modern Russia and CIS News in English' is your news source from the countries that have undergone significant changes after the collapse of the USSR, and that continue to play a key role on the world stage. Subscribe to our channel and stay updated with the latest news from Russia and the CIS countries in English! Disclaimer: We use automated voice translation to create our content. This means that we don't make any adjustments to the translation, thereby ensuring a timely release of videos for our viewers. We strive to offer the most accurate and comprehensive translation, but please bear in mind that the translation may occasionally contain inaccuracies or misinterpretations of the original text due to the characteristics of automatic translation. We thank you for your understanding and appreciate your interest in the news from modern Russia and the CIS countries.

World Wide Facts Dive into a world of fascinating facts and mind-blowing trivia from every corner of the globe!


Welcome to Worldwide Wonders! Dive into a world of fascinating facts and mind-blowing trivia from every corner of the globe! From the wonders of nature and mind-bending historical events to cultural curiosities and groundbreaking discoveries, we bring you engaging, bite-sized knowledge that’ll leave you saying, "Wow, I never knew that!" Our mission? To ignite your curiosity and make learning fun for everyone. Whether you're a trivia buff, a student, or just someone who loves exploring the world, this channel has something for you. What You'll Find Here: - Intriguing historical events and milestones - Amazing natural phenomena - Little-known cultural facts from different countries - Fun, fast-paced quizzes to challenge your brain Hit subscribe and join us on this journey of exploration and discovery. Your next "Did you know?" moment is just a click away! 🌟 New videos every [insert schedule]!

Casa do JP


Olá, seja bem vindo ao meu canal. Aqui você terá assuntos relevantes e que possa agregar a cada um de vocês. Falaremos de diversas coisas, como dicas para entregadores de aplicativos, dicas de culinária, dicas de bíblias que estão sendo lançadas ou já lançadas que são importantes mas ainda quase ninguém conhece, assim como dicas de livros cristãos que serão relevantes para sua vida espiritual e física. Também temos paixão por plantas e vou dar dicas de como você ter um pequeno jardim ou horta em sua casa ou apartamento, ensinando você a ter uma planta em um pequeno, médio ou grande vaso e de como cuida-la com muita facilidade. Estarei mostrando meu pequeno jardim no quintal de minha casa, com várias plantas frutíferas e medicinais. Esperem que gostem do canal Casa do JP. Sejam Bem Vindos ao canal Casa do JP!!

Manuela Micucci - Studio di Naturopatia


Sono una Naturopata, laureata nel 2013 alla scuola di Alta Formazione in Naturopatia "Rudy Lanza" di Bologna e iscritta all\'AIN - Associazione Italiana Naturopati. \n\nMi occupo di prevenzione attiva e pedagogia dell\'auto-guarigione. \n\nLa salute non è soltanto assenza di malattia ma molto di più! \n\nSiamo un insieme unico ed irripetibile di CORPO-MENTE-SPIRITO, pertanto, una sofferenza che si manifesta in uno di questi sistemi, in realtà li coinvolge tutti. E sono convinta del fatto che a qualunque livello si decida di agire, sia esso il corpo, la mente o lo spirito, si andrà a lavorare nell\'insieme. \n\nIl mio compito è quello di educare l\'individuo verso uno stile di vita più corretto possibile. \n\nPer raggiungere questi obiettivi, mi avvalgo di diversi metodi, del tutto naturali: dal riequilibrio alimentare, all\'utilizzo sia di rimedi floreali (fiori di Bach e Australiani) sia di integratori nutrizionali e fitoterapici, della riflessologia plantare e di alcuni massaggi olistici.