COVID-19: An exploration of the science you weren't told about


HERT’s (Health Education and Research Trust) mission is to provide an understandable synthesis of the research on various medical issues for health practitioners and the general public. This may be in the form of PDFs of presentations, videos of presentations, academic publications or letters. Find out more: The Covid 19 Real Science series will cover: - How we were protected against COVID before it ever reached us - Why most of the ‘COVID deaths’ were not due to COVID - The care home scandal - How the truth about COVID transmission was kept from us (making lockdown, masks and Test & Trace pointless) - Why the PCR test probably gave incorrect results - Sweden and how we could have done it differently

Zaphi Transmisión de Consciencia


Soy una Semilla Estelar mas, a la que Zaphiel Elohim removió el piso, da igual mi nombre e imagen, hay que seguir difundiendo el mensaje, del mensajero que lo hizo con todo su amor. Este canal es un homenaje al Almirante Coronel Galáctico de Interconexión Cósmica como una biblioteca, la que este ser nos dejo, para que no nos durmiéramos en los laureles, cada uno a su ritmo y con la impecabilidad ecuánime que nos mostro y nos sigue mostrando, porque aun esta entre todos nosotros, desde la consciencia galáctica, espero que nos acompañes y cada uno de vosotros como el uno que somos, gracias Zaphiel y gracias a cada uno de los que escuchéis sus transmisiones de alta consciencia, al igual a cada uno de los canales que aquí colaboran en esta videoteca galáctica, gracias por vuestro consentir. AN'ANASHA AN'ANASHA AN'ANASHA En memoria a Lord AA Zaphiel Elohim. Primer General Jefe de Almirantes y Comandos de Contrainteligencia Cosmomilitar de Entrelazamiento Bioestelar Convergente.



Welcome to STRUCTURE by The Anchor Element On this channel, I decipher and discuss certainties. Such as history, declassified documents, ancient texts, philosophy, and of course - conspiracies. It's time we reformat the language of The Digital Age to a Christ pattern: The HTML is Harmony, Truth, Merit, Love Remember, you're not inside the matrix, the matrix is inside of you.👁️ Sponsors: NIGHTCAP - FLORAL - UNJECTED DATING - | MERCH - ▲ Keep it pointy ▲

Mad scientist


Welcome to our channel, where we explore the fascinating world of science and discovery! From mind-blowing experiments to cutting-edge technology, we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of science. Join us as we dive deep into the mysteries of the universe, uncovering the secrets of the natural world and exploring the endless possibilities of scientific exploration. Whether you're a seasoned scientist or just a curious mind, our channel promises to inform, inspire, and entertain with our awesome science content. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of knowledge and wonder with us!

The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health Verified


Zakariya Frank aka Zak The Health King interviews health experts of all varieties to bring you interesting health perspectives you may not have considered previously No nonsense, raw, honest conversations Every episode has the potential to leave you with actionables you can implement to improve your life in some way Physical health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, relationship health, men's health, women's health, children's health, animal's health, and anything in between The major health industries of the world have become corrupted beyond the average person's capacity to comprehend Is this due to Incompetence? Or is this due to more sinister reasons? Either way, just about every aspect of the modern world is harmful in its default form This is an overwhelming realization to make On the other side of that experience however, is empowerment Its time to take our power back as people, be our own health experts and advocates It's time to cut out the nonsense and get to the root of natural health management in this artificial modern world My goal is to help you live a healthier and more fulfilled life DISCLAIMER: Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters. Your health is your responsibility. Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk. Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show? Email

Climate. Facts. Unique. Scientific


Facts and data comparison on the natural causes of climate change unrelated to human activity, on an independent platform organized by volunteers of the Creative Society Project from 180 countries around the world. Disasters on the planet are escalating, and everyone on Earth already understands that the climate is changing. Global climate change on Earth is predominantly a derivative of astronomical processes and their cyclicity. But why do the mass media tell us that humans are to blame for climate change? In 2022, a scientific report was published: "It's Inevitable | Scientific Report Has Opened the Eyes of the World to the Truth About Climate." There are detailed descriptions of the progression of climate disasters and accurate predictions of events in the near future. On this channel, we will be posting facts that validate the mathematical model outlined in the climate report. Join us in spreading the truth about the causes of climate change and the way out for humanity!

Parti Scientifique Citoyen


Le Parti Scientifique Citoyen est un parti politique sans idéologie, ni clivage gauche / droite. De façon scientifique et méthodique, nous examinons les diverses lois et leurs impacts directs sur la société actuelle. Les rapports scientifiques financés par des lobbys, ainsi que les entreprises concernées, ne seront pas pris en considération. Proche de nos concitoyens, nous nous engageons à trouver des solutions innovantes, rationnelles et durables.

Ciência de Verdade


Bem-vindo ao Canal Ciência de Verdade, onde mergulhamos na exploração profunda dos valores cristãos tradicionais e no resgate de conhecimentos ancestrais. Neste espaço, nos propomos a oferecer uma visão iluminada, conectando a ciência à fé e explorando como esses dois pilares podem se complementar. Nossos vídeos abordam os valores cristãos tradicionais, como também lançam luz sobre a harmonia entre a ciência e a espiritualidade. Exploramos temas como criação e a evolução, buscando entender como a compreensão científica se alinha ou se complementa com os princípios cristãos. Além disso, vamos mais fundo nos conhecimentos antigos, explorando áreas como a filosofia, a história da igreja e a sabedoria tradicional, enriquecendo assim a nossa compreensão do mundo à luz da fé. Desde estudos bíblicos a insights científicos, nosso objetivo é fornecer uma perspectiva abrangente que inspire a reflexão. Junte-se a nós neste fascinante mergulho, onde a ciência e a verdade se entrelaçam, proporcionando uma jornada enriquecedora e esclarecedora sobre os temas que moldam nossa compreensão do mundo e da fé.

DoubleARanch: American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, surviavalist self-sufficiency learners and educators, extreme 2A enthusiasts and prayerful stewards of what we have on loan from God. Verified


American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, Alpaca ranchers and lovers of God's greatest comedians...critters of all kinds but especially dogs. We are 2A enthusiasts, and veracious readers of our founding fathers and historical documents. In addition to educate other true conservatives for a return to traditional Paideia. This is the original liberal arts education for our children stemming from ancient Greece and Rome. This includes the basic 7 parts of a classical liberal arts education or a virtuous “Paideia” : Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy later to include Philosophy, Science, and Art. All were the education of our ancestors whether at home or Christian based and founded Universities.