Catania CreAttiva: Serio e Faceto di Catania e dintorni. Web & Social TV di Catania creata per promuoverne la cultura, l’arte, la storia, l’economia, il turismo. Condividiamo notizie ed informazioni. Creiamo rete. Incoraggiamo startup. Ci occupiamo della Catania attiva, creativa e reattiva. A tal proposito ci occupiamo di: - Informazione e Notizie - Attualità - Cultura - Società - Arte - Moda - Creatività - Bellezza - Musica - Curiosità - Personaggi - Interviste - Intrattenimento - Lifestyle.



Dieser Kanal bringt bunt gemischte Videos. Vor allem christliche Inhalte. Aber auch Lieder, Videos von Fahrradtouren, Landschaftsbilder und Predigten. Wenn YouTube Werbung in manchen Videos einblendet, dann kann ich daran nichts ändern, tut mir leid, das kommt von YouTube! 📧Kontakt Email: tommymoessmer@gmx.de ➾Ich habe drei Bücher geschrieben. Nur eines davon ist noch im Buchhandel: Mein Buch zur Schizophrenie, unter der ich lange gelitten habe, unter einem Pseudonym veröffentlicht: 📘Jacob Blackbird: Horror im Wolkenkuckucksheim 🙏🏻Soli Deo Gloria!✝️ 🗣️Röm 10,13: denn: »Jeder, der den Namen des Herrn anruft, wird gerettet werden«. ❤️Der Name des Herrn lautet: Jesus Christus!

A Coffee-side Chat


A podcast dedicated to holding conversations, such as we might have around a kitchen table. Where we consider all things Christ, God, our faith, and his love. Doing so while looking through the lens of what it means to be a Christian. The goal is to stimulate and inspire you to grow in your relationship with Jesus rather than just share facts and truths. Without that relationship, those can become cold and seemingly arbitrary. But as your relationship grows, they become part of the abundance of life Jesus came to give—an abundance that is too rich for words. So, come, let's grow together as a family in Christ and as friends. Charles, a.k.a... Dr. C.

Crypto Cash Video Chat


Weekly Zoom calls with group of Crypto and Conspiracy Theory Enthusiast. Crypto Cash Video Chat is a small group of crypto enthusiast that got into crypto during the last bull run in 2020. Uncle Rubie runs a private telegram group call the same on Telegram which is a spin off of Crypto Cash which is a spin off of Jason Dean's Brave TV. Like most nubes we made a lot of mistakes and have various successes as we are willing to test the waters to everything from staking, mining, alt coins, DeFi, and airdrops. This is not Financial advice, Uncle Rubie and Ben share what we are doing a learning and trying as we help our community navigate the choppy waters of the crypto market. This channel We normally divulge into Conspiracy theories and Facts by the end of the video so there's that. Feel free to ping me on Telegram if you are interested in joining our community.