Stories of Great Brands and their Creators


Stories of Great Brands and Their Creators is your new destination to discover the incredible stories of companies, businesses and entrepreneurs who changed the world as we know it today. If you're looking for unique and unforgettable content, there's no better place. With each episode, you'll be transported on an emotional journey that explores the challenges, successes, failures and valuable lessons that shaped the world's most iconic companies. From the dream of a small startup to the resounding success of a large corporation, each story is a unique and unforgettable experience. Here, documentaries are carefully produced and research is meticulous, to offer you a fascinating look into the world of business and entrepreneurship. If you are passionate about entrepreneurship, then this channel was created especially for you. Join us and get ready to dive into an exciting journey that reveals the secrets behind the world's most successful businesses.

Social Media Worldwide Trends is a Worldwide news and entertainment brand


Social Media Worldwide Trends is a Worldwide news and entertainment brand, created for the youth community. We champion everyday heroes for amazing acts of kindness, humour and bravery, Cover stories about celebrities, TV, film and gaming, as well as breaking news, Bold stories and news about people and what connects them the world over. We bring people together by celebrating human journeys, relationships, selfless acts and achievements.