Digging for truth


Welcome to The Big DIG! where we talk about the craziness and absurdities of this thing called life! Join your hosts each broadcast for reliable analysis and dependable truth as we all explore the dumpster fire that has become our societal norms. Feel free to come in and be FREED of the dumbness OR feel free to come in and be dumb. Either way, be prepared to an entertaining time with two people who genuinely care about you and your healthy mental state. The Big DIG......uhhh Get in here!

The Tao Of The Stoic Sigma


Explore timeless wisdom and transformative insights from the principles of Taoism, Stoicism, the Sigma archetype, and inspirational leadership. Delve into the art of self-mastery, resilience, and quiet strength, discovering how ancient philosophies and modern perspectives can guide individuals toward purposeful living and effective leadership. With a focus on harmony, discipline, and independence, these philosophies offer profound reflections and actionable lessons to inspire growth, balance, and authenticity in every aspect of life.