Poesia Bíblica


Olá! Seja bem vindo ao Canal Poesia Bíblia. Se você quer mergulhar mais profundamente nas histórias e ensinamentos da Bíblia, então este é o lugar certo. Aqui, você encontrará vídeos sobre curiosidades bíblicas, desde personagens menos conhecidos até as histórias mais famosas. Se você é cristão ou apenas tem interesse em saber mais sobre a Bíblia, encontrará conteúdo valioso e inspirador em nosso canal. Inscreva-se agora e junte-se a nós enquanto exploramos as riquezas da Palavra de Deus! Espero que goste, Deus te abençoe!

Biblical PONDerings

1 Follower

🐸 Welcome to PONDerings! 🌿 Life’s full of ripples, and we’re here to stir the waters! PONDerings is a place where we dive deep into faith, philosophy, and fascinating conversations—one lily pad at a time. Whether we’re unpacking biblical truths, discussing current events through a Christian lens, or just letting our thoughts float, there’s always something to reflect on. So, if you love faith-filled discussions, thoughtful insights, and a little bit of pondside humor, hop on in! Let’s wade through the deep together. 🌊✨ Subscribe & Stay Afloat! 🐸🎤📖

Sound Biblical Teaching

1 Follower

Greater Grace Christian Fellowship is a Bible-centered ministry that seeks to help individuals and families grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. We preach the Gospel and the whole counsel of God from a Finished Work perspective. We are a Christ-centered church that believes and practices the cardinal doctrines of the faith. We are a local church, established in South Florida since 1995, and have since been training men and women in the ministry of the Gospel. Some of these people have gone on to Bible College and are serving God as pastors and church leaders in other locations. Greater Grace Christian Fellowship is an affiliate ministry to Greater Grace World Outreach, a world wide missionary focused church located in Baltimore, Maryland. As a result, we have affiliated ministries in over 50 countries. These ministries have established active churches, Bible colleges, grammar schools, and orphanages. By the grace of God, we have been equipped to serve in very diverse ways through ministries such as The Grace Hour, our international radio program, Maryland Bible College and Seminary, Greater Grace Christian Academy, and Grace Publications. Our extensive program of outreaches helps to build up believers to “seek and to save that which is lost” locally and abroad.