Capitol News Brief


Welcome to Capitol News Brief, your go-to source for fast, accurate, and comprehensive political updates. We bring you the latest insights and developments from around the globe, covering key political events, policies, and debates. Stay informed and engaged with Capitol News Brief as we deliver concise, insightful news briefs to keep you in the know. So, if you enjoy the content on my channel, please consider donating to help me keep this work going and support the growth of my Rumble channel. You can send donations through my PayPal account: @rookiee0415 Here's the PayPal link: Thank you very much for your support!

Kies Dries


Al veel te lang wordt het audiovisuele medialandschap gedomineerd door een verstikkend links narratief. Televisie- en productiemaatschappijen brengen de diversiteit die leeft in onze maatschappij niet in beeld, integendeel. Daar zal vanaf nu verandering in komen via dit nieuwe, rechtse mediakanaal. Elke week brengen we een jonge, frisse en rechtse analyse op wat er in Vlaanderen en in de wereld gebeurt. Vrij en ongebonden. Kies Dries zal elke week te zien zijn op Rumble, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Bitchute en Gab.

DicioTech - Por Gabriell Dassi


Sou Gabriell Hernandes Dassi, e esse é meu canal! Este é um canal em que eu compartilho minhas experiências com produtos Tech, celulares, computadores, e outros periféricos, comento sobre lançamentos e produtos que eu adquiro. Temos Unboxings, Opinando lançamentos e análises sinceras dizendo realmente se o produto é bom. Enfim, só vendo pra crer! :D Se curtir meu conteúdo se inscreva e mande sugestões de produtos doidos para testar e sugestões de quadros novos!!! Contato: Equipamentos que uso: Câmeras: LG G6 LG G8x ThinQ Logitech C920 Microfones: BOYA BY-M1 BOYA BY-MM1 HyperX Solocast