Somebody Has To Say It Again
17 FollowersThis unique channel brings awareness to today's issues along with original photos and a variety of most extraordinary stories. Americas Proud videos are educational and entertaining, like no others.
This unique channel brings awareness to today's issues along with original photos and a variety of most extraordinary stories. Americas Proud videos are educational and entertaining, like no others.
Vaccines, sex crimes
Original Music and Voiceovers
Tout ce que vous voulez savoir au sujet de l'Aïkido Traditionnel et son enseignement par un des plus grands maîtres actuels : Alain Peyrache
Welcome to Americans Against Government OverReach
Picking up a cello after a 48-year break. jecaruthers at protonmail dot com
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Informative videos
Patriots Unite Against Censorship
Garden Things
Daily, defiant actions that are easily added to your routine to reduce the revenue and influence over your life that you give to the Globalists legally and lawfully.
Live At Woodstock 99'. Full setlist Check out my other music classic live album channels: NeilYoungLiveRust, Santana, Aerosmith, thedoobiebrothers, LedZeppelinLive, ElvisLive, RedHotChilliPeppers,queenliveaid, ThinLizzy BruceSpringsteen, PearlJamLive
Në këto kohë Inkuzicioni të Establishmentit Global të “Shoqërisë së Hapur” na duhet një kanal i mbrojtur për aq kohë sa nuk do të bllokohet na duhet një kanal i lirë për ato që na bllokohen në Facebook
Britain Restoring Underlying Values. YES BRUV! Upholding Tradition | Restoring Our Great Nation 🇬🇧| For a Stronger, Prouder Britain.
A venue for open discussion on Patriotic Issues confronting our Nation and affecting our liberties.
An alliance of gays/LGBTs against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children by heterosexuals. Str8s also must be held accountable for what they do to children • Not a 501c3 • Independent of Gays Against Groomers yet happy to ally with them.
The Vancouver Police Are Part Of The Evil Globalist Agenda, As Are Most All Justice And Health Institutions.
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