Treasures of Prophet's Ascension: Insights from Hadiths

1 Follower

"Celebrate the profound journey of Prophet's Ascension through the lens of Hadiths. Join us as we delve into the treasures of narrations, gaining invaluable insights into this miraculous event. Explore the spiritual significance and teachings that emanate from the wisdom of these Hadiths, guiding us in our earthly and spiritual endeavors. Embark on a journey of enlightenment and understanding as we uncover the depth and beauty of the Prophetic Ascension in the light of authentic traditions."

Ascension: Book 1; me vs. You

1 Follower

My definition of ascension is to aspire beyond the egotistical energy of significance or insignificance as it relates to difference or indifference, or more simply stated, me vs. you. When you aspire beyond this energy you find the energy of essence and effervescence which is me and you. It is from this perspective of life that the 10 Commandments are no longer lofty, like easing into a warm bath, it and they just feel good. ***Copy and paste the link below in your browser or go to to get your own copy of my book Ascension: Book 1; Me vs You*** Hint: the more involved you become, the easier the game is to see!!!