Camping, Hiking and Backpacking Gear reviews


Our goal is to bring you honest in depth reviews on a wide range of gear used in the outdoor recreational industry. Hiking, camping, trekking and prospecting to name a few. We depend on our gear to perform and you should too. Join us as we take a deeper look at cost to quality ratios as well as build quality, materials and features. There is a lot to discover and uncover in the recreational gear world so there is no better time to start then now! Welcome to NoCoast Outfitters on Rumble.

Science and Space


🚀 Welcome to Bantai18 - Embark on a Cosmic Journey! 🌌 Explore the awe-inspiring realms of science and space with us! If you've ever gazed at the stars and wondered about the mysteries of the universe, you're in the right place. Our channel is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of the cosmos and delving into the fascinating world of scientific discovery. 🔭 What to Expect: Join us as we traverse the frontiers of knowledge, from the tiniest particles to the vast expanse of galaxies. Our dedicated team of space enthusiasts, scientists, and educators curates content that will leave you inspired, informed, and eager to learn more. 🌠 Features: 🌟 Captivating Explorations: Dive into captivating discussions about space exploration, cutting-edge research, and mind-bending theories that challenge our understanding of reality. 🌟 Astronomical Wonders: Witness the breathtaking beauty of celestial bodies through stunning visuals, from the dance of planets to the explosive elegance of supernovae. 🌟 Scientific Breakthroughs: Stay updated with the latest breakthroughs across various scientific disciplines, unraveling the mysteries of life, matter, and the universe itself. 🌟 Space Travel: Embark on virtual journeys to distant worlds, experiencing the thrill of space travel without leaving the comfort of your screen. 🌟 Community Engagement: Join a vibrant community of fellow space enthusiasts, share your thoughts, and ignite thought-provoking discussions. 🌌 Why Bantai18 ? We're more than just a channel – we're a launchpad for curiosity, a hub for knowledge, and a source of cosmic inspiration. Whether you're a seasoned astrophile or just starting your journey into the cosmos, our content is tailored to captivate minds and foster a deeper appreciation for the wonders of science and space. Subscribe now and become a part of our cosmic odyssey. Remember, the universe is vast, and the knowledge it holds is boundless. Let's explore it together, one discovery at a time. 🛸 Launch into knowledge with Bantai18 ! Subscribe today and fuel your passion for science and space exploration.