Randall Franks - Share America Foundation, Inc.


Actor/Entertainer Randall Franks, "Officer Randy Goode" from TV\'s "In the Heat of the Night," hosts and shares music, entertainers and interviews focusing on Appalachian Musical Arts in youth and the performers who encourage them. Share America Foundation, Inc., a 501-C-3 of Georgia, fosters the arts and preserves the history of Appalachia through the presentation of the Pearl and Floyd Franks Scholarship to youth who continue traditional music styles of the region. It also hosts special events and creates projects that perpetuate the Appalachian experience. It operates with a five-member volunteer board, currently including Chairman Gary Knowles, Vice Chairman Jimmy Terrell, Secretary James Pelt, President Randall Franks, and Vice President Jerry Robinson, and a task force of volunteers. The organization has assisted 30 college scholars thus far and numerous other youth in aspiring towards their musical goals through entertainer mentors, live performances, and creating opportunities for learning and success. Among the partners of the Share America Foundation are AirPlay Direct, Hillbilly Love, Round Up Grant from the North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation Foundation, Kiwanis Club of Ringgold, and the Wes and Shirley Smith Charitable Endowment and numerous individual donors.

The Foundation Hangout


In this show, we will take a look at real-life situations and events and determine how to respond to them. We will build a solid foundation on morality and life decisions by hanging out in the word of God, that's right, The Bible, bringing a biblical worldview to real-life situations. Based on Matthew 7:24-27, We will talk about the struggles of life and how having a solid foundation in Jesus Christ has helped us overcome those struggles, though it may not be in the way we think or want. We will look at the outcomes of decisions made in the flesh vs made in the Spirit.

Theodora von Auersperg International Foundation


~ Private Non-Profit Organization for the Good of Animals and Children - based in Vienna, Austria. ~ Founded by Princess Theodora von Auersperg with the Purpose and Dedication to Support Animal Welfare and Children’s Aid Projects. ~ Regard, Respect & Protect nature, it’s creatures and the most vulnerable among us. ~ Celebrate Life - "HELP" Save A Soul ~ ~ We are embracing all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. - For CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES or PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES please contact us directly. ~ DONATIONS are welcome and appreciated at: - Bank: Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG - Account: Theodora von Auersperg International Foundation - Account Nr.: AT39 2011 1848 9001 0600 - BIC / SWIFT: GIBAATWW - PayPal: SaveASoul@TvAFoundation.org Contributions/Donations to Theodora von Auersperg (TvA) International Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law in your country. - Registration-Nr.: 1443604553 • VAT-Nr.: ATU79848934

The IO Foundation


The IO Foundation (TIOF) is a global for-impact NGO advocating for Data-Centric Digital Rights. Born from a fundamental concern about the state of Digital Rights in the world, its mission is to promote, protect and provide solutions for Digital Rights, thus aiming to bridge technological and humanitarian perspectives. As data becomes an increasingly powerful economic, political, and social force, programmers are emerging as the next generation of Human and Digital Rights defenders. There remains, however, a limited international understanding of the impact of technology on Human and Digital Rights. Following its vision of a world where Human Rights and Digital Rights are one and the same, TIOF aims to raise awareness of the importance of Digital Rights in collaboration with all stakeholders ranging from civil society, programmer communities, bodies of governance and corporate.

scp foundation


SCP-XXXX, designated as "The Echoing Abyss Canal," is an anomalous waterway shrouded in mystery and peril. Located in a remote region, its exact coordinates are withheld to prevent unauthorized access. The canal stretches for approximately ██ kilometers through dense, uncharted wilderness, its depths plummeting into unfathomable darkness. Upon initial observation, SCP-XXXX appears as an ordinary canal, its waters murky and foreboding. However, anomalous properties manifest upon closer inspection. Witnesses report hearing unsettling echoes emanating from within the depths, despite the absence of any discernible source. These echoes range from faint whispers to cacophonous roars, evoking feelings of dread and disorientation in those who venture too close. Further investigation reveals that SCP-XXXX defies conventional navigational laws. Attempts to map its layout have proven futile, as the canal's path seems to shift unpredictably, leading explorers in circles or deeper into unknown territories. Those who traverse its waters often experience temporal distortions, losing track of time and becoming disoriented within its labyrinthine expanse. Encounters with anomalous entities have been documented within SCP-XXXX, further adding to its enigmatic nature. Witnesses report sightings of shadowy figures lurking beneath the surface, their forms distorted and indiscernible. These entities are believed to be sentient manifestations of the canal's malevolent influence, preying on unsuspecting travelers who dare to venture into its depths. Due to its unpredictable nature and potential hazards, SCP-XXXX is designated as a high-priority containment site by the SCP Foundation. Access to the canal is strictly prohibited, and specialized containment protocols are in place to monitor and study its anomalous properties. Despite ongoing efforts, the true origins and purpose of SCP-XXXX remain shrouded in mystery, prompting continued investigation by Foundation researchers.

As-Sunnah Foundation


Assalamu Alaikum, Welcome to the As-Sunnah Foundation Rumble channel. As-Sunnah Foundation is a non-profit, non-political and service organization fully dedicated to human welfare. This institution is a teacher of humanity, an ambassador of human liberation and peace, an ideal of human service, following the footsteps of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), serving humanity. one of our main goals has always been to show our fellow Non-Muslims that Islam is truly a peaceful religion, and to show kindness to all, as the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). said: WA KHAALIQIN NAASA BI KHULUQIN HASAN – Behave with the people in a respectful manner because our actions represent Islam. our content promotes nothing but peace, To know more about As-Sunnah Foundation Rumble Channel - Contact :- ==========\\\ Mobile :- 01961146523 Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085143400808 YouTube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLHw-dMqYO0C84lp8fBoCgQ ★★★ Important Notice ★★★ Credit Principal Owner:- Facebook :www.facebook.com/sheikhahmadullahofficial telegram : https://t.me/SheikhAhmadullah Website : assunnahfoundation.org/