Videos von Graham Powell


Graham Powell wurde in Neuseeland geboren und lebt zusammen mit seiner Frau Shirley seit 40 Jahren auf Vancouver Island, Kanada. Sie sind seit 56 Jahren verheiratet und waren viele Jahre sowohl evangelistisch, seelsorgerlich wie auch im Lehrdienst tätig. Sie kümmerten sich auch um obdachlose Kinder und haben vier „First Nation’s-Kinder (native Indians) adoptiert. Seit etwa 30 Jahren ist Graham im Reisedienst tätig und lehrt und trainiert Gläubige auf dem Gebiet der geistlichen Kampfführung und Befreiung. Selbst während er schon im geistlichen Dienst stand, kämpfte er mit inneren Bindungen, deren Bewältigung ihn viel Energie kostete. Er betete oft mehrere Stunden am Tag, fastete viel und ließ deswegen viel mit sich beten, ohne dass es zu einem Durchbruch kam. Schließlich begann ein Durchbruch zu kommen, als er erkannte, dass die Ursache seiner Kämpfe durch dämonische Mächte verursacht wurde. Der damit verbundene Kampf machte ihm sehr bewusst, wie böse Geister arbeiten und wie wir mit Gott zusammenarbeiten müssen, um aus der Knechtschaft in die Freiheit zu kommen. Diese persönlichen Erfahrungen bilden die Grundlage für die Lehre, die er bringt, die sowohl biblisch als auch praktisch ist.

Active 8 Wellness


Welcome to 'Active 8 Wellness', a comprehensive channel expertly curated by Patrick Bugeja, a certified Sports Nutrition Advisor, Health and Wellness Coach, and an esteemed alumnus of La Trobe University, specializing in Food and Nutrition. Patrick's passion for health and wellness is reflected in his enlightening content. This platform is designed to break down complex health topics, presenting the latest knowledge in nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and mental health. Whether embarking on your wellness journey or seeking to deepen your understanding, 'Active 8 Wellness' has something for everyone. Join our vibrant, health-focused community as we collectively journey towards achieving optimal health. Immerse yourself in our content and enhance your understanding of living a healthier, happier life. Welcome to 'Active 8 Wellness', where your journey to wellness begins.

Trish Munroe | yogawellnessmoney


I love teaching women holistic ways to balance their health and their money. Building financial success takes time, but it's a journey that grows wealth through steady dedication. You don't need to be an entrepreneur or have a flashy strategy. Whether you're rocking a 9-5 with an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you're on the right track! The key? A hefty serving of solid knowledge, sprinkled with the correct principles, and a side of attention and intention – that's the real secret sauce. 🌟💰

The best of country music


Entre no mundo da música country, onde letras sinceras e melodias cativantes transportam você para as colinas de Nashville. O gênero country é uma tapeçaria vibrante tecida com histórias de amor, desgosto e resiliência. À medida que as guitarras vibrantes dedilham em perfeita harmonia com os vocais comoventes, você quase pode sentir o gosto da poeira na língua e sentir o calor de uma brisa de verão contra a pele. Desde melodias tocantes que tornam impossível ficar parado até baladas comoventes que tocam as cordas do seu coração, a música country tem uma capacidade incomparável de evocar emoções cruas como nenhum outro gênero consegue. Seja saboreando histórias da vida em uma cidade pequena ou encontrando consolo em canções sobre como superar obstáculos, a música country nos leva a uma jornada pelos altos e baixos da vida, mantendo nosso ânimo elevado ao longo do caminho. Então pegue suas botas e chapéu, porque este passeio emocionante está prestes a levá-lo a uma aventura inesquecível por todas as coisas do “campo”.

Miranda Cohen is a fitness influencer and entrepreneur known for her dedication to health and wellness.


Miranda Cohen is a fitness influencer and entrepreneur known for her dedication to health and wellness. Miranda Cohen has a significant presence on Instagram with 6 million followers, sharing insights into her fitness journey through photos and videos [1]. As the Founder and CEO of Miranda Cohen Fit, she leads a team and works hard to rectify fitness challenges in herself and others [2]. Miranda Cohen is active on Twitter, where she shares updates and engages with her audience [3]. She runs an official YouTube channel focusing on fitness, positivity, nutrition, workouts, motivation, and lifestyle videos [4]. Miranda Cohen maintains a disciplined approach to nutrition and has been regimented with healthy eating for about nine years [5]. On TikTok, Miranda Cohen has a significant following, with 3.1 million followers and 38.3 million likes, showcasing her fitness journey and collaborations with brands like Ghost Lifestyle, Megafitmeals, and Gymshark [6].