

Welcome to the channel and thanks for being a part of the Diddle army! I'm Tyler AKA ParaDiddlePete your guide through the meta. Here you can find a bunch of gaming content with a few vlogs and reaction videos sprinkled in. I love exploring new and developmental games especially if they use Web 3 elements. I will also be exploring the meta and showing you what it has to offer but not in terms of how to make money. Instead, we will explore it in terms of what it has to offer us as individuals and all the cool things that people are developing. Some things I only do on stream so don't forget to catch them every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday on Twitch. Oh, I also love building computers and I am trying to learn to code so there might be some update videos on that as I progress. I use to do music and drumming content on this channel but have since moved it all to its own separate channel "Tappin With Tyler" so if you are interested in that stuff go check it out.

Pia's Paraphernalia


Welcome to my Pia's Paraphernalia Rumble Channel...all things @PiaPageDavis. I love Thirty-One Gifts & Bags, I love sharing happiness with Nootropic Happy Coffee, Lemonade etc. and I love helping people with DoTerra Essential Oils. I'm here to share short videos (mostly) that include inspiration to live your best life, positive mindset motivation, ways to live a happy life, fun personal clips, life hacks, tricks and more. I appreciate your support by subscribing to my channel and connecting with me on other social media platforms... Facebook, Messenger, Instagram & Pinterest @PiaPageDavis. Thanks for watching my videos.

Bharat Affairs


We welcome you to Bharat Affairs! Through this YouTube Channel, our objective is to provide all the knowledgeable information about India in Hindi, which will increase your knowledge about various topics. Bharat Affairs is a very great YouTube Channel for everyone, especially for students preparing for competitive exams. Hopefully, you will like our effort. Subscribe for all the news from India & World, and support our team by pressing the Bell Icon. नमस्ते, हम Bharat Affairs Hindi पर आपका स्वागत करते हैं। इस YouTube Channel के जरिए हमारा उद्देश्य आपको हिन्दी भाषा में देश के बारे में सारी ज्ञानवर्धक जानकारियां उपलब्ध करवाना है जो विभिन्न विषयों के बारे में आपका ज्ञान बढ़ाएंगी। Bharat Affairs हर किसी के लिए, खासकर छात्रों के लिए एक बहुत ही बढ़िया YouTube Channel है। उम्मीद है कि आपको हमारा यह प्रयास पसंद आएगा । देश विदेश की सारी जानकारी और खबरों के लिए सबस्क्राईब करें हमारे चैनल को, और Bell Icon को बाकर हमारी टीम को Support करे। धन्यवाद आपका दिन शुभ हो । For Business Enquiry-

Overcoming unplanned obstacles that can slow you down, derail you, paralyze you with fear.


When we dont know what to do, sometimes we do nothing, or we act out of fear. This can be detrimental to someones well being. I am speaking from experience. I am not an expert, licensed professional on counseling. I am just someone who has been through a lot and want to help people, the same way they helped me. I wanted to create a space free of drama, gossip, hate, fear, discouragement, disrespect, belittlement. I wanted to create a place where you can go, and know that you are not alone, and I am here. Its ok, to not be ok. Our culture will lie and tell you get over it, not that simple. Here I will outline what worked for me.