

About Hello friends, Welcome to "HYPERMAFIA GAMER", I created this channel on Jan 20, 2018, this is my second channel on YouTube, my motive behind creating this channel is to connect more and more with you, do live streaming, I will be streaming everyday. My other channel "Techno Gamerz" revolves around technology and gaming where I make Easy to Understand, Gaming Videos in Hindi.Apart I am living in Delhi, doing YouTube as my Hobby. Do SUBSCRIBE to Hypermafia Gamer , Thanks. If you are looking for somebody to make a review of your products or product of your company, such as: phones, tablets, PC, gadgets or even apps, you can contact us so we can make a deal... For Business enquiries:

Der Nachrichtenkanal zum Bewusstseinswandel


Ich bin Manuela Emrich. Als Mediale Beraterin und Bewusstseinstrainerin begleite ich dich in deinem persönlichen Aufstieg in das Bewusstsein der 5. Dimension. Die Reise in das neue Paradigma der Einheit der Liebe ist ein Prozess, durch den wir jetzt alle durch die hohen Liebeslichteinströmungen aus der geistigen Welt, die Einflüsse der Planeten, die Sonnenstürme und auch die Verschiebung des Erdmagnetfeldes kosmisch sehr unterstützt werden In diesem Youtube-Kanal stelle ich dir mein bisher erlangtes Wissen und meine Erfahrungen zur Verfügung, die dir das kosmische Christusbewusstsein (Einheitsbewusstsein) näher bringen und ich sage dir in meinen Videos auch, wie ich dich in meinen Programmen dabei unterstütze, deinen persönlichen Weg zurück zur Quelle zu finden. Ein offenes Herz und ein tiefes Urvertrauen sind dafür die wichtigste Basis. Wenn du deine eigene Anbindung zur göttlichen Quelle wieder spürst, bist du in deiner reinen Seelenessenz der göttlichen Liebe angekommen.

"Rumble the Regal Guardian: A Tale of Courage and Loyalty in a German Shepherd's World"


Rumble is an energetic and loyal German Shepherd with a striking black and tan coat. Known for their intelligence and versatility, Rumble is a quick learner, making them an ideal companion for various tasks. Whether it's playing fetch in the backyard or showcasing their agility in obedience training, Rumble's boundless enthusiasm and protective nature make them a cherished member of any family. With a keen sense of loyalty, Rumble is not just a pet but a devoted friend, always ready to stand by your side. রাশিদুল আহম্মেদ Rumble is a striking German Shepherd with a distinctive black and tan coat, exuding strength and intelligence. With a regal posture and expressive brown eyes, Rumble is not only a loyal companion but also a vigilant guardian. Known for their versatility, German Shepherds like Rumble excel in various roles, from devoted family pets to skilled working dogs. Rumble's robust build and alert demeanor make them a symbol of confidence and reliability, embodying the breed's reputation for courage and loyal

“Don’t Panic. Embrace Clarity. Live life on your terms”


Whether you are anxious or concerned over what you see happening in the world, or you are an anxiety sufferer: Our channel is here to help you. Our approach is that people who have ACTUALLY found ways to overcome challenges in life such as anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia, and lack of emotional and intellectual freedom are in a unique position to help others. They can fully relate to these problems and have successful techniques that should be shared with others. That is why all of the information we share has been used by former sufferers of anxiety and by those who simply wanted the freedom to live a better life . We do not suggest a one-size-fits-all or cookie cutter approach. Rather, offers a variety of strategies and techniques that can be tailored HOW YOU DECIDE. You are in the drivers' seat as above all we value individual freedom and authenticity.