Quote Motivation


Hi everyone and welcome to my channel, ''Quote Motivation" is a project to help people learn about philosophy and generally develop the way we think about ourselves, other people and the world around us. My goal is to deliver you high quality narration, and philosophy as clearly as possible, and help you learn some tools to use in your own lives. We shall achieve this goal with resilience, peace of mind, happiness, gratitude, and a more constructive outlook on life itself and our place within it. I hope you find something useful! For any questions or collaboration feel free to email me at: quotemotivation777@gmail.com

Manifestations of the beauty of nature, in the picturesque nature many types of living and inanimate beings created by Allah the Almighty, and nature helps in a state of mental, psychological, physical, emotional,


Manifestations of the beauty of nature, in the picturesque nature many types of living and inanimate beings created by Allah the Almighty, and nature helps in a state of mental, psychological, physical, emotional, and intellectual tranquility, so we will talk a little about nature and its types, and the manifestations of its beauty, and how God portrayed it in the best way, and we can feel the beauty of nature in everything around us wherever the person goes will find nature around him surrounding him, and the beauty of nature appears at night when he comes, and he is decorated with stars, and the moon in In the middle of it, Rovie the next morning sees the disk of the sun shining in the sky.