Jimmy Johnson


JayJayMarketing.com was built out of a passion for marketing and the how-to side of it. Years ago when working a job, the subject came up as a co-worker friend who had started an online business of selling home theater equipment. The co-worker Mike, indicating but he had no products in his home or warehouse and neither a storefront, to sell said items. I thought how can that be? This was my first time being exposed to affiliate marketing. We will from time to time, promote, endorse, or suggest products or services of others. In most cases, we will be compensated, either as an affiliate with a commission based on these sales or with a free product to review or use. Our recommendations are always based on our personal beliefs of the product or service.

Leituras de John Finnis


A teoria da lei natural oferece um interessante quadro metodológico e conceitual para a compreensão do comportamento humano em sociedade. A teoria da lei natural é uma teoria da utilização da razão prática para a determinação do sentido moral das ações humanas, da vida em sociedade e do direito enquanto ferramenta para a construção do bem comum. A atividade de extensão LEITURAS DE JOHN FINNIS consistirá em aulas expositivas semanais, que o Prof. Rodrigo Raposo ministrará com o propósito de apresentar a obra Natural Law & Natural Rights, de autoria de John Finnis.