PageWizard Games, Learning & Entertainment


I am producing free or accessible high-standard educational content involving Computer Science, especially Theoretical Computer Science. In addition to this, I am creating entertainment, research, and computer games. Please check out my links, and support my work. It is through your support I can keep doing what I am doing here for everyone. My name is Daniel. You can call me just Dan or Daniel, or if you want to be more formal, Dr. Page. I am a former Computer Science professor, and have had the pleasure of working for many educational institutions, at many levels. I am a theoretical computer scientist by training, and received my PhD in Computer Science (Theory) from Western University in 2019. My research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Theoretical Computer Science, the Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, and Algorithms and have had the pleasure of reviewing for plenty of journals and top conferences.



It is possible to learn self makeup even if you have never put on makeup before, just be patient and practice a lot. \\ NDoing your own makeup can seem difficult when it is not yet part of your routine, your day to day . But the good news is that although it looks complicated, makeup is an activity that anyone can learn, just practice a lot, watch videos and tutorials and be patient. \\ N \\ nFor those who still don\'t usually do makeup, the tip is to start little by little, first learning to correct the skin on the face, eliminating imperfections and then adding other techniques that will enhance your makeup, such as dark smoky eye, makeup with a pair of shadows, outlined kitten in the eyes, among other make-up styles.