Hoop Dedik

1 Follower

Merhabalar, 2019 yılında Yayın Hayatına Başlayan Hoop Dedik kanalı öğrenmek ve izlemek isteyeceğin her konuda videolar yayınlıyor. Kanala abone olarak öğrenmeye ve şaşırmaya başlayabilirsin. Hoop Dedik kanalı olarak bizleri takip eden ve destekleyen herkese teşekkür ederiz. “Hakk’ın emrinde, halkın hizmetinde” olan bir kanal. Milletimize, memleketimize, İslâm Alemi’ne ve insanlığa hayırlı işler yapmaya ahdetmiş, önceliğimiz İslâm’a ve insanlığa hizmettir. Tabi ki Kanalımızın güçlü olması demek, sizlerin de sesinin güçlü çıkması demektir. Her konu için bizimle doğrudan iletişime geçebilirsin.

Midwest hunting and outdoors by 2 Dumb Asses

1 Follower

Welcome to Midwest Hunting & Outdoors Channel. We are Tim & Joel and we are the Two Dumb Asses. Dumb Asses with respect that we have made mistakes in chasing our dream of building out our own wildlife sanctuaries. We are avid hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. This channel is about our journey and experiences to aid others. We do not pretend to be experts, but we will have experts on as guests from. time to time. Topics will include finding the right property, to choosing the right equipment, building ponds, food plots, habitat improvement, etc. We look forward to building out this channel to aid you.

Wrong Door Entertainment

1 Follower

Welcome to Wrong Door! We are two best friends who like to goof around, play games, and do art. Our goal is to combine our passion for characters and stories with our passion for video games, and lets plays. There's something to be said about the calming nature of just listening to the banter of people enjoying a game, and having fun together. We aim to create the environment that after a long stressful, day, week, month, you can sit down, have a cup of your favorite beverage and just relax. We may be the Wrong Door, but you're in the right place.