Sandeep Maheshwari


Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. All he had was an undying learning attitude to hold on to. Rowing through ups and downs, it was time that taught him the true meaning of his life. Watch Sandeep Maheshwari's NEW videos before everyone else on SMtv at To know more, log on to

Susan and Kassandra


Kassandra, speaking through Susan Ashley, is a spiritual representative of the universal feminine. She is part of the white and blue councils and speaks on behalf of them as a consciousness. She does not call herself a master, as to do so would insinuate hierarchy, which is not in alignment with her message that we are all equally co-creating. Spreading a message of hope and love for the planet, Kassandra empowers us to remember who we are, why we are here and what we personally can do to co-create a planet of peace and love through clear intentions and right action. So far her message has been through personal readings and groups in Australia, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia and Netherlands. However, now she is keen to widen the word through the use of technology. Despite having independent successful careers, Susan (Psychotherapist) and her husband Jani (Lawyer) have agreed to open their lives to the service of this message. This was our old youtube channel to which we have no longer access:

Scars and Guitars podcast


Experience the captivating world of music through Andrew McKaysmith's acclaimed podcast, Scars and Guitars. With over 700 interviews, Andrew creates a comfortable space for artists to openly share their stories. Join the global audience and be transported to intimate moments as Andrew turns interviews into meaningful conversations. Rest assured, the podcast delivers an authentic musical experience. Don't miss out on this extraordinary journey - tune in now and become part of the Scars and Guitars community.

Desenhos Tri Legais! by Sandro Lima


🔰 Desenhos Tri Legais! by Sandro Lima é um canal criado para compartilhar meus projetos para canais do youtubers que estão iniciando no mundo da internet. Aqui você vai encontrar vídeos para canais Dark de relaxamento, entretenimento, animação e outros... Todos os vídeos que forem feitos aqui, serão GRATUITOS, o link de download estará na descrição do vídeo. 🔰 EU SÓ PEÇO QUE VOCÊ COLOQUE OS MEUS CRÉDITOS NO SEU CANAL, COMO NO EXEMPLO ABAIXO 🔴CRÉDITOS DO VÍDEO🔴 🔰 Projeto feito pelo Canal, Desenhos Irados by Sandro Lima ➽➽ 🔴 TRABALHOS ESPECÍFICOS PAGOS 🔴 Para fazer algum trabalho mais específico, basta entrar em contato comigo por e-mail ou Whatsapp, para tratar de preço, e mais detalhes do projeto que você quer para seu negócio na internet. 🔰Whatsapp:➽➽ (53) 984 52 03 18 (Sandro Lima) 🔰 E-mail 1:➽➽ 🔰 E-mail 2:➽➽ Um Grande Abraço! Sandro Lima