Our Portal to Amazing Health and Open Hearts and Open Minds Verified


Hello there, everybody! here's the link below: https://www.lifewave.com/allen7 Lifewave (To expand your horizons in the mental and emotional: (and the physical(, does it not have to begin with our physical bodies?) : To get the miracle of optimal health and performance at the special discounted rate: https://www.lifewave.com/allen7 paypal.me/allenpetty7 In case there is interest in buying from me personally for whatever reason: We can discuss in detail. As well, I am not adverse or too proud to accept any love donations to help me with my long-standing relationship with the number 0. I help many that are in need when I happen to have spare cash, as God takes care of me with or without the matrix society :) My email address: allenpetty7@gmail.com -Let's get the conversation started! The wheels of progress roll slowly, we may not see the markers, but that does not necessarily mean we don't know the goings-on behind the scenes! We have the inherent traits of creators, yes I said creators, because we are their progeny and are forever linked to their gene pool(s). Believe what you will about the Bible, Elohim is plural for creators or life-givers. Edin, not Eden, was a laboratory complex in the most beautiful part of the world selected for design and environmental purposes. It is the place of origin for what we know of as "man" (human being). All of what we deem as religions was designed to control man through fear, as an addiction to get to feel and think forgiven for not having to take responsibility of one's own life choices. I am in no way sorry or apprehensive about explaining the fundamental natures of our reasons for being on this world, at this particular time, in this particular moving quadrant of the multiverse. Thank you and you're welcome and please, as we aim to expand our collective and individual thinking from a high level of fundamental truth and actual reality! THERE IS TRULY SO MUCH MORE ON THE HORIZON, GUYS, AND GALS! FIRST, CONSIDER THE ANT AND THE FACT THAT ROME WASNT STARTED, FOUGHT OVER, BIURNED DOWN, REBUILT AGAIN, DIVIDED, AND REENVISIONED ALL IN ONE DISTINCT MOVEMENT OR EPISODE! MUCH LOVE AND GRATITUDE FOR YOUR LOVING PATIENCE !!! To get the miracle of optimal health and performance at the special discounted rate: https://www.lifewave.com/allen7 paypal.me/allenpetty7 In case there is interest in buying from me personally for whatever personally: We can discuss in detail. As well, I am not adverse or too proud to accept any love donations to help me with my long-standing relationship with the number 0. I help many that are in need when I happen to have spare cash, as God takes care of me with or without the matrix society :) My email address: allenpetty7@gmail.com: -Let's get the conversation started!

The Herald Report Ministry


Kudzai Chigogora is the speaker and director of The Herald Report Ministry. The aim of the ministry is to urgently Herald the Present truth of the time and prepare a people to meet their God. Inspiration says “None need fail of attaining, in his sphere, to perfection of Christian character. By the sacrifice of Christ, provision has been made for the believer to receive all things that pertain to life and godliness. God calls upon us to reach the standard of perfection and places before us the example of Christ's character. In His humanity, perfected by a life of constant resistance of evil, the Saviour showed that through co-operation with Divinity, human beings may in this life attain to perfection of character" (AA 532) The Herald Report is a ministry based in England but transcend the boarders of United Kingdom to the entire world. If you want to partner with us in the preaching The Present Truth, please: Email us on kchigos88@gmail.com What’s app/ Tel: +44 7960857353

Pool of aquarius - meditation portal


Hello everone, I am a music producer,dj and sound devolper from Belgium. what if talking to yourself is talking to your spiritual guide depending on your energy and toughts you create your perception find your right spiritual guide and you are free from chaos and fear so you can go trough life with a healty conversation to yourself Meditation channel for self healing and self awareness On my channel (resonance productions) you find my productions of cinematic and Ambient music https://rumble.com/c/c-5580393 On my channel (Ebgb 369) you find my productions of tech house https://rumble.com/c/c-5084020 On channel (Ebgb 369) you find a collection of tech house https://rumble.com/c/c-5084020

Sports Light


Hi, and welcome to my channel! I upload videos of cool sports plays (highlight reels, clips and montages) from baseball, american football, basketball, hockey, and other sports! I created this channel for entertainment purposes and i hope to deliver content that will keep you watching for hours! Thank you so much for your support, and if you wouldn't mind subscribing i would really appreciate it :) Contact: If you want to contact me on business terms, use my business email (fajarmrachmadi@gmail.com) Copyright: All rights go to the original leagues and their broadcasters, no copyright infringement intended. If I feature clips that you own and that you don't want me to feature, please contact me via my business email (fajarmrachmadi@gmail.com) and I'll take it down as soon as I can.