MY50 Motorcycles


"Hi there, I'm Brent Carpenter, from, where we're all about motorcycles and just spending time shooting the breeze in my garage. At, our mission is to assist motorcycle enthusiasts, collectors, and dealerships in finding and acquiring motorcycles from Japanese Motorcycle Auctions. - I love talking about small engine motorcycles, rare and collectible motorcycles and unique bikes. Sometime I also just shoot the breeze in my garage - I talk about whats on my mind...sometimes it relates to motorbikes and sometimes I just talk :-) Join me in discovering the exhilaration of Let's work together to make your motorcycle dreams a reality. From timeless classics to cutting-edge models, is your one-stop destination for all things motorcycles. I can't wait to assist you on your motorcycle journey!"

12:11 / 1:00:00 ♫♫♫ 100+ Hubble Space Telescope Photos ♥ Ultra HD (4K) ♥ Relax Music ♥ 1 Hour ♥ Slideshow


Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of the cosmos with this mesmerizing 1-hour slideshow featuring over 100 stunning images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Every image is meticulously curated in Ultra HD (4K) resolution, delivering unparalleled clarity and detail, allowing you to witness the celestial wonders of our universe like never before. Embark on a cosmic journey as you traverse through awe-inspiring galaxies, vibrant nebulae, sparkling star clusters, and other celestial phenomena. Each photo tells a unique story, showcasing the magnificent diversity and grandeur of our cosmic landscape.

Replenishman PhotoBlogger


Csodálkozz rá velünk együtt a világra. Fotók, videók utazásainkról. 2017 óta fotózom szabadidőmben. Minden képemmel próbálom megmutatni a világot ahogyan én látom. Szándékosan nem foglalkozom a fotózás egyik ágával sem kizárólagosan. Legyen az portré, állat, tájkép vagy bármi, engem érdekel. Szeretek utazni, felfedezni a környezetünket és mindent megörökíteni amit érdekesnek találok. Tíz év katonai szolgálat, több missziós tapasztalat után, csak és kizárólag a világ és a természet szépségére koncentrálok. Ezt próbálom képeimen keresztül közvetíteni.

Jayme Burrows Photography


Jayme Burrows is a commercial and editorial photographer based out of Los Angeles, California. She is a foodie and a traveler. Jayme studied first at the University of California at Santa Barbara earning her B.A. in Art History and History. She then went on to study Visual Journalism at the Brooks Institute and eventually earned her MFA in Photography from Brooks as well. It is her training in fine art and journalism that still influence her commercial work today.