

Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Channel of Hentai Games! I am H-Ero, a "Hero" who wants to share the world of H Games to everyone. My mission is to provide you guys the best entertainment you can find. Naturally, I can only show you the stories of these Adult games. Been thinking about creating this channel for some time and I decided it's time. I watched "let's plays" of other creators and I wanted to do the same, so here we are. This channel will only be SFW and aimed at mature audiences. So kick back, relax, and enjoy the World of Hentai Games together!

Mulheres Adrenérgicas


Mulheres inteligentes também têm relacionamentos tóxicos, sentem medo, ansiedade, raiva, dificuldade de dizer não... Porém, apenas Super Mulheres conseguem conquistar o acesso ao verdadeiro segredo para controlar e vencer suas emoções para uma vida leve e plena! Afinal, realizações amorosas e financeiras não caem do céu... E que tal aprender Inteligência Emocional na Prática? Eu, Vivi Luz, Terapeuta e Coach de Mulheres, terei o maior prazer em te guiar por esta estranha e deliciosa jornada de descoberta cognitiva e emocional. Seu Sistema Nervoso nunca mais será o mesmo! Fique atenta pois cada vídeo apresenta uma personagem diferente com diferentes abordagens para muitos dos desafios do universo feminino: autoestima, ansiedade, relações tóxicas, transição de carreira, mãe solo, alma gêmea, pressão estética e tantos outros dilemas que você só vai ver por aqui. Então: seja bem-vinda, Super Mulher! E aproveite a jornada.

The Rebelution Network


Looking for up and coming podcasts who aren't afraid to speak your truth without fear of being cancelled. All beliefs are welcome but you MUST believe in what you say, no shtick, no acting, no racists, no bullshit. Currently featuring the lineup of The FGH Podcast, a highly entertaining and highly Profitable Football Handicapping Podcast that airs weekly during the football season, audio only. The Football and Freedom Podcast, a podcast focused on current events and their correlation to be a smarter sports gambler and a more informed citizen. The I Mean IT Podcast, is a podcast that focuses on debunking commonly held and repeated sports narratives with hard data to keep you above the fray of the mis-information of the mainstream sports media to make you a smarter fan. The Bastards of Babylon Podcast, a podcast for and by GEN X, about how the world has changed from a comedic and real perspective that will cover all topics from sports to religion to whatever else happens to come up during the conversation.... #Football401K TM