American Institute for Interdisciplinary Research


The purpose of American Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (AIIR) is to build a bridge between research and action on the ground in order to link academic research and community involvement to better promote people's wellbeing. We are problem solvers providing independent services to governments, private firms, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Our multidisciplinary nature allows us to promptly put together diverse researchers to tackle problems from multiple directions. We are working with international, national, state, and local agencies, our vision is that scholars and communities inform and strengthen each other through research to improve human capital formation to sustain growth and social justice.

Matheus Rangel - Dicas Offshore


Somos o maior canal de Dicas Offshore! Trabalho embarcado desde meus 19 anos, e com isso já participei de diversos processos seletivos no setor de óleo e gás. Com esse conhecimento , tenho ajudado pessoas a conquistarem o tão sonhado emprego offshore. Aqui você vai ver Dicas, Entrevistas e tudo que você precisa saber sobre o mercado offshore você encontra aqui. Acompanhe e compartilhe . Se inscreva na nossas redes sociais. Mande suas perguntas!! NOSSAS REDES SOCIAIS Instagram: @matheus_rangel LinkedIn: E-mail: