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Welcome to MariaLiciousVlogs! Hey there, I'm Maria, a medical student passionate about vlogging and sharing my journey with you all. Join me on this exciting adventure as I take you along with me through the ups and downs of my life as a 3rd-year MBBS student. On this channel, you'll find engaging vlogs that take you behind the scenes of my daily life as a medical student. Join me as I study, attend classes, interact with fellow students, and navigate the challenges and triumphs of medical school. Get an insider's perspective on the fascinating world of medicine. Subscribe to join the MariaLiciousVlogs community of students and aspiring medical professionals. Let's learn and grow together! I appreciate your support! Leave a comment sharing your thoughts or any questions you have about medical school. Let's connect and support each other on this incredible journey of becoming healthcare professionals.


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Welcome to AnjumAraUsTheKittenChannel, where you can find all things kittens! I'm Anjum Ara, a cat lover from the United States, and I'm passionate about sharing my love of kittens with the world. On this channel, you'll find videos of kittens playing, exploring, and being their adorable selves. I also share tips on caring for kittens, and I'll occasionally have special guests, such as veterinarians and animal rescue organizations. Whether you're a cat lover or just curious about these furry creatures, I hope you'll enjoy my channel! Here are some of the things you can expect to see on my channel: Videos of kittens playing, exploring, and being cute Tips on caring for kittens, from feeding and grooming to training and socializing Interviews with veterinarians and animal rescue organizations Stories about my own kittens and the kittens I've fostered Fun facts about kittens And much more! I hope you'll subscribe to my channel and join me on my journey to share the love of kittens with the world!

Andena Sananda Kumara

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Andena Sananda Kumara (aka Angela Anderson) lives her truth, Soul Integrated, as an Embodied and Heart-Centered Conduit of Divine Frequency; activating, within those in resonance, a many-fold experience, sparking awareness of the Innate Truth of the Human Collective Beingness as Extension, or Fractal, of the Divine Source of ALL Creation in Manifest Physical Form. To this end, Andena serves as Quantum Energy Alchemist for all that is of The Energy of Oneness, sharing wisdom on the open subjects of Freedom, Love, and Oneness as Realized by the Authentically Embodied Soul on Earth. Through her company Oneness Works, LLC, she provides private, personal and group sessions, guiding the Journey of Self Discovery, through energetic Exploration of the Ancestral Lineage and Multidimensional Beingness, while facilitating the Transmutation of pertinent Self-Deprecating Beliefs and Pattern arising along the way. To learn more visit...

Marco de Santo

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Descubra o caminho para o sucesso pessoal e empresarial! Este é o canal definitivo para aqueles que desejam alcançar resultados extraordinários em todas as áreas de suas vidas. Abrace o poder do desenvolvimento pessoal e empresarial e transforme seus sonhos em realidade! Junte-se a uma comunidade de pessoas ambiciosas e determinadas, ansiosas por compartilhar suas histórias de sucesso e lições aprendidas. Prepare-se para ser inspirado, motivado e capacitado por meio de conteúdos exclusivos e impactantes. De estratégias comprovadas de liderança a segredos de produtividade, você encontrará tudo o que precisa para se destacar em seus empreendimentos. Construa uma mentalidade vencedora, desbloqueie seu potencial máximo e alcance níveis extraordinários de sucesso. Inscreva-se agora e embarque em uma jornada de crescimento e transformação pessoal e empresarial. Este é o momento de elevar seus padrões, superar limites e construir uma vida de sucesso duradouro. Venha crescer conosco!

#celanacewek #semaranghebat #

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#moveshort #fancydino #celanaanaksemarangmurah #bajubrandedanak #bajuanakperempuan #celanapendekanak #hotpantsanak #siennapants #grosircelanaanak #fancyroar #summerpants #dinopants #patternedshort #celanaanchor #celanaanakhits #celanadino #celanaanakmurah #celanaanak #skinopants #semarang #shortpantkids #semarangexplore #anchorpantsanak #anchorpantsanakmurah #celanapendekanakcowok #celanaanaksemarang #celanacowok #celanaanaklakilaki #celanaanakcowok #celanaanakperempuan