Funny and Cute Animal


"Get ready to be charmed by the delightful antics of our furry friends in 'Funny and Cute Animals'! This collection is a heartwarming tribute to the irresistible charm and playfulness of the animal kingdom. From mischievous kittens chasing their tails to clumsy pandas tumbling about, each moment captured is sure to bring a smile to your face. Witness the hilarious adventures of playful puppies frolicking in the grass, or the endearing clumsiness of baby elephants taking their first steps. Whether it's a curious squirrel exploring its surroundings or a joyful dolphin leaping through the waves, these adorable creatures remind us of the simple joys of life. With each adorable photo or video, 'Funny and Cute Animals' celebrates the bond between humans and animals, showcasing their unique personalities and endless capacity to spread joy. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be enchanted by the endless charm of our furry, feathered, and finned companions!"



Truth is so powerful that it has been said - if even whispered, it could be heard over the shouts of fools. There's truth and then there is everything else. Truth is the most precious commodity in existence, but how do we know truth - where do we find "the Truth" - for it's the Truth that will set us free! Free from what? Free from everything that is untrue and keeping us from the truth. Living in the information age, we need to know how to filter and process all the data that comes our way. We need to find reliable sources we can trust that will enlighten our minds and hearts to the true essence of life. “Trust God for who He is and His Word for what it is!”



Welcome to my channel where I showcase photo manipulation, Photoshop editing, tutorials, tips, and tricks! This channel is primarily focused on photo manipulation and Photoshop editing, covering a variety of techniques such as layer masking, compositing, and color grading. I provide stock images to help beginners improve their editing skills, as well as tips and tricks for more advanced users. Whether you're an amateur photographer, graphic designer, or simply interested in learning photo editing, this channel is for you!

Черепашки-ниндзя (1987) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Главные герои — 15-летние черепахи-мутанты человеческих размеров, вершащие правосудие на улицах Нью-Йорка не без помощи искусного владения ниндзюцу. Их наставник — человек-крыса, мастер по кличке Сплинтер. Он обучил черепах искусствам ниндзя и дал имена в честь художников эпохи Возрождения: Донателло, Рафаэль, Леонардо и Микеланджело. В первой серии черепашки находят старого врага Сплинтера — Ороку Саки по прозвищу Шреддер. Он захватывает Сплинтера и предлагает черепахам перейти на его сторону. Черепахи спасают Сплинтера и дают обет бороться против Шреддера. С тех пор у черепашек два основных противника — Шреддер и Крысиный Король, на протяжении последних сезонов мультсериала основным антагонистом является инопланетный захватчик Лорд Дрегг.

"Knife & Tomahawk Throwing: From Novice to Ninja"


Are you interested in mastering the art of knife and tomahawk throwing? Look no further than Knife & Tomahawk Throwing, From Novice to Ninja! My Rumble channel is dedicated to providing expert advice and proven methods to help beginners become masters of the impalement arts. Our channel draws inspiration from the rich history of throwing-knives, from the earliest times to the knives used during the Vietnam War. We offer a step-by-step guide to help you progress from a novice to a ninja-level precision thrower. Join us on our exciting journey to become a master of the impalement arts! Subscribe to my channel today and start your journey to becoming a knife and tomahawk throwing expert.