Government Exposed(Canada & more)

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This is to highlight agendas of political parties & joint efforts of parties to attack freedoms. These are stated as "God given rights" for a reason. They are not government priviledge, they are "Universal Human Rights & Freedoms". They government has no right to tell you what you are allowed to believe, how you express yourself, who you can hate, love or disagree with. Our Constitution matters & all laws that limit it unless it is an actual violent act or outright death threat. This is all about controlling your mind, language & human rights because foreign & domestic activists hate our freedom to think for ourselves. If you disagree with me on any topic, please feel free to explain your stance. I welcome the discord & debate because that is what makes us free. I don't respond to name calling because words can't hurt me. If you are sensitive, please go back to yor bubble & let the adults have a mature converstion.

Investigating Government Since 2017


The S2 Project & Patriot HQ within on our website, In short, we investigate government. What we are building is a national civilian intelligence information, operations, planning & execution of strategy & methods web site in support of local teams (Chapters) to save the United States of America & the US Constitution on a grassroots level. The fight is local! Primary focus is on school systems, local to state governments. link: