No Excuses Ministries


This meeting is open to everyone. Take a moment to check out the facebook page see photos, or check out our app for Android and Apple. This is a very casual, real, no fluff environment where we come as we are to encounter God. It is refreshing to know that God meets us where we are at and that there are many others in the same spot. We are all on a journey, but the journey is more fun when shared with others. Acceptance is free, but you must choose to receive it. Come see for yourself. Second-hand information is not enough. CHECK OUT OUR NEW PODCAST - CHECK OUT OUR RUMBLE PAGE HERE!



Exploring any and all topics with no judgement. All classes, all races, all religions, all topics welcome. All we ask is to listen and keep an open mind. It is about time people start just talking to each other without letting their own beliefs get in the way of their own intelligence. Our ultimate goal here is to find the middle ground, talk to people of all ages and reach out to people all over the world if we can. We will speak to anyone. Friends, family, strangers, republicans, democrats, catholics, muslims, pagans, atheists, scientists, politicians, wrestlers, and even fans. There is nothing we won't leave on the table! From World events, to sports, to the Constitution of the United States, to music history, to ancient history, topics about space, religion, conspiracy theories, and more! Live Life with your eyes wHeyed open.

The Livestream of Consciousness


The Idea is a forum for great conversations about spiritual and conscious transformations, sharing various perspectives/ experiences, in hopes of raising the vibration of humanity. Stories within the story of our collective existence. The Livestream of Consciousness came into existence as an evolution of a concept between two curious friends. Jesse Blaze Snider haddeveloped a class about Thirteen Universal Laws, based on different religious, philospophical and hermetic principles while working at Tranquility Within, a local wellness shop. Michael Zinn helped him to live stream the classes as Covid created restrictions on gathering in public places. Once the class finished, there was excitement about this new platform and how it could create connection with the audience through live chat. Jesse asked Michael how they could continue, and The Livestream of Consciousness was born. Well, Actually, for the first few episodes, it took on different names until TLOC suddenly seemed to stick.

Stu's News LIVE@5


Just one man's opinion searching for the TRUTH amongst many LightWorkers and StarSeeds trying to raise the planetary vibration from dark to light during this fascinating Great Awakening. Discussing and showing relevant global events you don't usually get to see on the mainstream media. As ALWAYS you should use your own discernment, due diligence and do your own research and please DO NOT take my word for any of it. I am not qualified to give any advice so if you want to make any medical, financial or any other decisions that is up to you and you alone and your free will. ThanQ ... TRUTH MATTERS to us ALL. Let's try and find it together in Harmony ... Peace & Love. Hold the line. Hold the light 🙏🕉♥️ Where we go one we go all

blind android users podcast


Making Android Speak for itself and demystifying the myth about its accessibility from a blindness perspective! At Blind Android Users, we strive to make Android understandable, thus demystifying the claim by some who continue to perpetuate the myth among unsuspecting blind folks that Android isn’t usable by the blind. For this reason, Blind Android Users exist to set the record straight and provide tools, tutorials (in both written and audio) via our weekly podcast (Blind Android Users Podcast) where we go through what Android is all about and how to use it as a blind or visually impaired person. Android is the world’s biggest mobile platform and at Blind Android Users, we intend to make it possible for blind and visually impaired people to fully take advantage of the platform.

Fujifilm User Channel


This channel was created for testing purposes. I test the settings and take a photo or record a video. I do it in my free time, irregularly and when I have an idea or desire. It's just a hobby outside of normal work. I have no plans to turn this channel into a new source of income or to get a new job. After a long analysis of various types of photographic equipment, I chose Fujifilm as the one that suits ME best. What is important to me is the most accurate reflection of the reality I see, and this is what I found in the X-T1 and now X-H2 models. I don't rule out other models in the future, but for now both are brilliant. Most movie and photo locations: Berlin/Germany or Northern Italy